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About Website
Voice for intelligent, independent, lipstick wearing, professional women, who admire Sarah Palin, aspiring to be leaders in their own lives.

Sarah Palin G.A.L.S. - Girls Aspiring To Be Great Leaders

We Love Sarah - Go Sarah Go!
Voice for intelligent, independent, lipstick wearing, professional women, who admire Sarah Palin, aspiring to be leaders in their own lives.

G.A.L.S.Girls Aspiring To Be Great Leaders - - Whether you're a stay-at-home Mom, a CEO, or both, you are a GREAT LEADER!

Sarah Palin was born in 1964 in Idaho; shortly afterward her family moved to Alaska where her parents taught school in Skagway.

She attended the University of Idaho, receiving a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism in 1987. Before her political career, she worked in media and the utility industry.

She and her husband, Todd, have five children, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig; Track enlisted in the Army on Sept. 11, 2007.

Sarah Palin, the current Governor of Alaska and the United States Republican Vice-President nominee, posed for Vogue, a fashion magazine, in December 2007. Palin posed for the magazine as an attempt to change the common stereotypes of Alaska.

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Comment Wall (44 comments)

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At 12:50pm on January 23, 2012, JenSocial said…

Hey Sweetie,

Thanks for asking! We're okay, but it was a touch-and-go for 2 hours, especially for the Sister who was hit last time. It missed her by a couple of miles. I know they're still a little rattled considering they're still cleaning up their property damage from last April.

Have a great week - - hugs to all the puppy dog babies.


At 10:12pm on September 20, 2011, JenSocial said…

How can anything be that cute? Funny, I was just looking at Rascal's graduation photo again, this afternoon. They are two of the cutest and most awesome looking dog kids EVER. I hope you're doing well Hon.

Love you!


At 11:55pm on April 19, 2011, JenSocial said…

Jacque, I don't know how it could have been better, really great job! And if that's your first, you're obviously a natural.

Back to fixing a bug. Rest good!


At 11:13pm on April 19, 2011, JenSocial said…

That is so precious Jacque. It actually makes me feel better about the little's Guys disability. You wouldn't even know it hardly. And the way Sassy kept him from running into the post around the flowers was amazing! That is so awesome. She's his eyes now. Thank you for sharing. That's great quality video btw.

Love you!


At 1:04pm on November 3, 2010, JenSocial said…
Course the end was the best! Gave me a huge chuckle. Thanks Buddy, I needed that laugh!
Love ya and thinking about you,
At 3:44pm on July 23, 2010, JenSocial said…
Miss Jazzi and Miss Fish!

At 3:43pm on July 23, 2010, JenSocial said…
LOL!!!! She is so precious! Thank you for sharing!
At 6:36pm on August 11, 2009, JenSocial said…
Ditto you Sweetheart, you! Slammed right this second, but wondering how is your Mom doing?
At 12:45am on July 28, 2009, JenSocial said…
I love the photo of your Bro in Greece! Tell him I'm so jealous. ;-)

And OMGosh, the kid with the PC, gave me a loud, long chuckle! I needed that!!! Thanks! And, yeah, my friends have actually, physically picked me up before, and pulled me away from the computer,LOL!

How's your Mom doing?
At 2:04am on July 22, 2009, JenSocial said…
You must NEVER lose those photographs - - award winning hysterical. Little shit, she is - - but so darn adorable! LOL!


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