Do you have any insights or info on how to completely remove or delete the content of any members that left the network? I am administrator and creator of our site and I can't delete nor remove the contents of the members who had left

You kind response or assistance is highly appreciated.

BTW: Happy New Year


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l am interested in this also. l have not the problem but may in the future. So l am following your question.
You can't delete their name from the list of Members who left. However, you should be able to remove their content, whether they left, or you suspended them.
Here's an excerpt from what I found on Ning Help:
"As a Network Creator, you can always go ahead and delete their content by clicking "Delete Content" in the Admin Options box of their My Page. "
Here's the link that explains it all:

I've not tried it yet. Apparently, if they leave and did not delete their own content, you click on their name from the "left" list. You should see their page, and a button that allows you to delete their content.

Update: I looked at our list of members who have left. I don't see a link on any. Maybe they all removed their own content. I'm really not sure.

Let us know,
you have no right to delet what is written on this site is still in the archives of history.
beucoup there were actors that you do not know their future. peace is the spirit of keeping records.
Professional Peace.
Hi Medard,
I understand your thoughts.

We are discussing the features built-in to Ning Networks. When a member leaves (exits) a Ning Network, they have the option of deleting their own content. As Network Creators, we also have the ability to delete content, whether it is inappropriate, or content from a member who left the site that the Network Creator feels is not an asset to retain.
I hope that makes sense.

Best Regards,
As a ning network creator I think we reserve the right to delete any unwanted content from our sites; whether the person left voluntarily or was banned, suspended....



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