I was approving a new member into our directory today: Craftsu, and found this excellent "Getting Started" page on their Network. This is one of the best examples I've seen yet for a "Getting Started" page - - just excellent. I suggest that all Social Networking Sites prepare a similar page for your new members:



This reminded me of the "Getting Started Video" Ning created for all Ning Networks to utilize. I don't think I've ever added the video resource to our tips. If I have, sorry for the duplicate. As you will see Craftsu is utilizing the Ning Video for "Getting Started", in addition to Craftsu's excellent "Getting Started" content, written specifically for their Social Network.


Original Ning Blog:

Getting started - a video to watch and use!



Code to embed on your site:

<embed wmode="opaque" src="http://static.ning.com/socialnetworkmain/widgets/video/flvplayer/flvplayer.swf?v=201011112050" FlashVars="config=http%3A%2F%2Fcreators.ning.com%2Fvideo%2Fvideo%2FshowPlayerConfig%3Fid%3D4244211%253AVideo%253A12108%26ck%3D-&amp;video_smoothing=on&amp;autoplay=off&amp;hideShareLink=1&amp;isEmbedCode=1" width="456" height="305" bgColor="#DFE7EA" scale="noscale" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </embed>


Views: 1291

Replies to This Discussion

That is a great getting started page. Thank you for sharing.

Hey Garfield,

Thanks! I just wrote Craftsu, hoping they don't mind my bragging on their "Getting Started" page. It is the best I've seen yet, no doubt. Glad you liked it.

Best Regards,


This is great Jen, I like the lay out for new members and it makes a great landing page for those new to Ning.  The video was a great touch too.  Honestly I use to like those videos.  Thanks Jen

This is a great tip.  I'm getting ready to launch my site this week and was wondering if I was missing anything and this is something I need.  

thanks for the tip.  Putting it into action now.



Happy to hear you like the tip.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Hey Jen,


thanks for this link. As a non-native English Speaker I am always looking for some impressive items. And I feel that I have to update my own getting started page which you can find here. If someone like this page he can use my own as a draft for his own getting started page. I made some tutorial videos which I will embed soon to this page too.


The HTML file as *.txt


Wow Jens, another fantastic "getting started" page! I love the title:

What Is Member Engagement?

Thank you for sharing this.



Hi Jen ...

actually this text editor has a bug because I can't use the HTML part. What I try to write now the forth time:


Thanks a lot Jen! I have to update this page with some of these videos http://www.facebook.com/overtone.network?v=app_2392950137  but time ... actually I have some problems with the NING search - Google canceled my custom search for what ever - my site seems to be a risk for their ad words customer. Horrible message last week ... for I don't know what 's going wrong. Maybe it was a mistake to use the name of my network inside the javascript code - would be better to use some items which do not present any ad sense links. But anyway  - now I try to install BING without advertisment links.I have posted here a question how I can add the BING search instead of the NING site search.


Stay tuned,




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