To add the Facebook Like Button and Google's new +1 (Plus One) button to your Ning Network, add the following code to your Custom Code Box, via My Network/Tools/Custom Code;


Google +1 Button Only
<!-- G +1 All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_g1'></div>");
var g1_html = '<g:plusone></g:plusone>';


Both Buttons (Facebook Like and Google +1) - - this is my code. Be sure to change your facebook settings as you want them. If that makes no sense, not to worry. Just use this code:


<!-- Facebook All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_fb'></div>");
var fb_html = '<iframe src="'+window.location+'&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=180&action=like&colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="padding-top:15px; border:none; overflow:hidden; width:180px; height:50px"><\/iframe>';
<!-- End FB All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<!-- G +1 All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_g1'></div>");
var g1_html = "<g:plusone></g:plusone><br>Don't forget to Like and +1 us!";
<!-- End G +1 -->


Where to find the Google Plus One Code if you need it:



Views: 1594

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for the codes Jen.
How to add Twitter button in the same position?

The code that includes the Twitter button scripts is part of the VIP Ning Club, and a VIP Tip.

Best Regards,


Like a charm. Thanks.
On mine, The facebook like where is says "so and so and 100 something others like this" overlaps the plus one sign.  Is there some way to move it over to the left a little so it doesn't overlap?


I'd have to see the live code to know what is needed. For example, are "we" using the shortest version of the like button? I don't remember. If you add the code back, wait until Monday evening. I'll be gone for the most part until then - - and send me a private message to let me know it's live. Also, I need to know if you're using the VIP version (like mine), or this one above.



Hi Jen Sorry, I added the code or maybe I added it wrong I keep seeing it below the footer of my pages...


See the code file





The code you added here is trashed. I looked at your site and didn't see it. BTW, in FireFox your site jumps around, really unnerving. I think it may be the counter or snow, but not sure.



Oh yes thanks Jen, it is for my other site which is  I am seeing the Google plus sign but it is only at the bottom of the site.. After I noticed it didnt work, I went ahead and use on the code that they gave me... It is working but only at the bottom at the footer it shows up, I want it work as urs, can you give me the exact fix please?

I think this is the VIP tip you need:

Best Regards,


Hi There,

Thank you so much for sharing the codes, it works greatly in my site (above photo). I do not like the following text after Facebook like button, I love the button like photo below, but I do not know how to change the code. Can you please help me? Thank you so much.


Hi Jen

I can't seem to find the tip that helped with the sharing buttons above sign-in box. I have changed from 3 column to 2. I have tried to make buttons to fit but they are still overlapping. Please check if you can help.   


We need to allow room for more likes, and thinking your 4 buttons may not fit. I'll play around with the formatting, and get back to you.





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