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Interdependent Project-The Sustainable Matrix

Interdependent Project - The Sustainable Matrix

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Interdependent - The Sustainable Way~LIVE IT!

Turning of the Seasons...Happy Spring Equinox

Amazing how time moves forward so swiftly - our last blog post was Summer Solstice and Interdependence much has happened for our team since then and our absence was necessary so that we could recalibrate ourselves to a new reality.  

Today is Spring Equinox 2012 and we are just now able to begin to give attention once again to the online projects that we have dedicated ourselves to.  

Interdependence...when we began this project we intended to create an online multi-media web portal that showcased sustainable solutions.  But more than that we intended to facilitate and co-create new 'interdependent' relations, systems, structures, and models.  

This of course is an ambitious life-long endeavor for even the most tenacious of spirits so we do not judge seeming 'failures' on any kind of short term time line.  We do however insist that we take the necessary time to contemplate and evaluate our experiences through a lens of 'teaching' so that we can identify paths and efforts that we have embarked upon that did not yield the results we were aiming for.  We have been able to discern a great deal from our journey thus far but is our insights of any value to our interdependent family?  We have decided that despite the temptation to 'share' we are going to with hold until 'asked' because in reality there is slim chance that our observations and opinions are going to make any difference if we cast them forth as some kind of 'righteous' viewpoint.  

We can say that in the realm of true 'interdependence' all life systems and entities coalesce and find symbiosis through simple compatibility.  Boundaries between what is compatible and what is not in the natural world are not compromised for any kind of 'ethical' or 'moral' obligation - that realm is the one place where we humans hold sway and is also the primary reason why we fail as a species to understand and live within healthy boundaries and limitations.  

On our journey thus far we have succeeded in identifying incompatible beings, groups, and initiatives that are not inherently 'wrong' or 'bad' - just simply incompatible within the realm that we are operating in.  We have successfully been able to communicate boundaries and sever associations that were incompatible with our aims.  This of course brought about a deep healing within each of us as we rooted out 'denials' that would have prevented us from taking actions that would lead us toward beings and realities that are more compatible with us.  This process has been just as painful as it has been liberating because we are 'feeling' humans prone to attachment like everyone within our species.  

So this learning journey and the processes/energy it has required is the main reason why the 'Interdependent Project' website, blog, and community network has had no real attention put into its online evolution.  We expect this year to reveal much for all humans in terms of priorities and we will continue to stay true to our 'Declaration of Interdependence' in ways that serve our personal evolution and value fulfillment.  We pray the same be true for you!  

Happy Spring Equinox!


Summer Solstice & Interdependence Day!

Happy Summer Solstice (this post a few days late) and Interdependence Day! 

Our team is working overtime to catch up with all of our online communities, websites, and blogs after devoting the winter/spring months to helping Earth Charter US get their website/network launched as well as establishing solid Interdependent Partnerships (and terminating the not so solid ones) we look forward to being able to give a thorough report to all of you and give the website a much needed update! 

For now though we wanted to simply give everyone our Solstice blessings and a little hint at what we have been up - a great deal of event participation/sponsorship and establishing the 'Low Impact Sustainable Development' agency and facilitating the formation of the "Inter-Tribal EcoVillage Council" here in our local area!  More later!

2011 - Year of Building Sustainable Structures & Systems

Some times the term 'Happy New Year" just seems so redundant so we are going to see if 'Have a Sustainable New Year' might work?  Or maybe "Have an Interdependent New Year?  Both imply the same thing in terms of orientation yet interdependence is truly the underlying foundation that all sustainable systems and structures are built upon.  

This year we are going to advance forward a little further into the basic building blocks of interdependent/sustainable systems in relation to the 'matrix network' that allows these digital fonts to embed themselves into this blog post which is linked with the blog, linked to the main website, linked to other websites, linked to website networks, linked to community networks, linked to organizations, linked to causes, linked to movements, linked to at long last - human beings.  
At the beginning of 2010 the Interdependent Project's 1 year anniversary celebration 'Heralded in the Next Decade of Sustainable Interdependence'.  The words on the banner seemed in alignment with the larger movement of the global collective and during 2010 the project went through quite an array of experiences with team members, fellowship organizations, network alliances, and organizations that this project has been promoting, advocating, and linking up with since it was launched.  The experiences were valuable showcase examples of the 'independent' paradigm that is based on win/lose, competition, superiority, pecking-orders, and general human dysfunction and have served a purpose of providing a deeper clarity into why in the world there could be so many solutions and no way to implement them on a large scale.  

One simple answer is the human subscription to the notion 'independence'.  Humans en-mass believe 'independence' is the final and most exalted state of existence.  Even humans who learn words like 'cooperation' and "collaborative' and profess those concepts to be woven into their missions still have not 'unsubscribed' from the independent notion and it is probably demonstrated most clearly in their inability to 'link up' and get beyond the 'not invented here' mentality that keeps them reinventing the wheel over and over.  Not to mention wasting valuable resources on websites that keep ending up on the broken wagon wheel trail across the plains of the 'Wild West Web'...or worse still getting ripped off by charlatan-snake-oil-web-developers that convince the elder generation that if they pay more they will somehow be getting more...but that is another article and subject for later.  

2010 was like a school year for those who have been involved with anchoring in a new paradigm of interdependence and sustainability.  The global economic system has reflected a collapse as the new sustainable structures and systems are being erected.  This transition has been both horrifying and glorious for humans who are riding these waves of change.  

The Interdependent Project is both a 'place holder' and a 'stake holder' in this shift with a mission to showcase and highlight the 'solutions' that are emerging and forge alliances with networks and organizations who are committed to the never ending learning spiral as we weave interdependent systems and structures.  

2011 will be the year of laying the four corner foundation that is based upon not a box with four sides but a planet with four directions that circle and encapsulate our spherical world.   How does that translate to cyber-space and the 'Wild West Web"?  A big lasso and 4 Years...GO....

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Dandarius Cavallaro
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Interdependent Project
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Sustainability (Please add to the Category list)
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Interdependent Project - The Sustainable Matrix
Giving new meaning to the term 'G' Force the Interdependent Project brings new definitions and solid foundations to our global transition into a regenerative sustainable global culture.

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At 2:05am on November 20, 2009, Administrator☼JenSocial said…
Welcome Dandarius Cavallaro
Thank you for adding your Ning Network to the Ning Directory. In order to maximise attention to your Network, - - please change your Member Name to your Network Name and your Member Photo to your Network Logo. If you have already done this, thank you. THIS WILL HELP GET YOUR NETWORK NOTICED BY VISITORS, AND IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN MEMBERSHIP. Don't forget to add your Ning Networks to THE LIST, I wish you and your Ning Network, tremendous success! And I hope that the Ning Directory is both rewarding to you and your Network. Have a browse around, any questions just ask. Cheers Deborah

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