How Do I Remove The Gap Between The Instant Ad Box Above Header & Navibar

I want to remove the space between my instant ad box and the navibar. I've removed the header, and have tried various methods, but still can't seem to get it to work. Is there a way to do this? The site is

Thank you! :)

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Well now, that was quite the mystery, had me scratching my head. You've got some odd style applied to the site name (logo area). I'm not sure if this will mess up anything else, but think it's good. Make sure the navmenu doesn't overlap anything above it, on all pages. I don't like using negative direction on nav bars.

#xg_sitename {display:none;}
#xg_navigation {position:relative!important;margin-top:-40px;}

Thank you so much! Yes, it worked perfectly, just needed to adjust the margin a bit. I have another question....

How can I put an instant ad box on the left or right side of the site like so...

And if you can, where would I have to place the specific code :3 Thanks! :)

Hi David,

I'm not sure what you're asking. If it's a new question, better to create a new discussion:

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