Edit your Text Box, and add a DIV tag around your box content.

Example Code:

<div style="background-color:#CC0000;">your content goes here.</div>
This is the same red, as on my badge. If you need hexadecimal color values, you can find them here: Color Code Table

~ Thanks to Theme Worx, We also have a color chart pop-up, in right column of all pages.

If you want to change the font-color, just add the color:#hexcode; parameter to your style. For
white font on red background
<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#CC0000; color:#FFFFFF;">your content goes here.</div>

Tip: Change the padding value, for the amount of margin you want between your text and the background color.

You can also accomplish this by adding styles under Manage/Advanced CSS, and assign a DIV id tag to your content box. That's a bit more complicated.

Views: 903

Replies to This Discussion

My name is Warren & I am the Team OrangeMoon Site Creator. I’d be honored to have you add me to your circle of friends.


I also wanted to pass along some ideas on how you can make Team OrangeMoon more successful, and you can get the most value out of your experience here on this site.


Our newest Team OrangeMoon program, "3STAR GALAXY" - Cycler" is proving to be a good one. It allows you to cycle 3 times and feeds into two other TOM programs automatically. All from just one $12 payment!


First of all, be sure to get the Team OrangeMoon Toolbar so you can stay up-to-date on the latest TOM news and get “one-click” access to the many parts of Team OrangeMoon without having to log in to the forum.


For quality promoting of Team OrangeMoon Thomas Sullivan and I both recommend you sign-up for a Free account with LeadsLeap. This will allow you to get the word out about Team OrangeMoon to 1,398,100 prospects for free. LeadsLeap is an ingenious system that combines the power of contextual advertising and network lead generation.


And, last but not least, we recommend opening an account with AlertPay.


Have a GREAT day,





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