What Would You Do If The Internet No Longer Existed?

Tonight I was reading about the Anti-government protests in Egypt, and how the Internet was "down", and about the protests outside the capital. And I'll stop there, because I don't know enough to give any valuable commentary.

Full Story on Yahoo


Point is: This made me start thinking about the Internet and it's existence.

What would people do if they no longer had access to the Internet, period? Not that it never existed - - but that you've had it this long, and poof, it's gone!


What if the Internet completely disappeared, no more access, ever? I realize this is an over-the-top hypothetical question. But seriously, I'm curious. What would you do?

  • How would your life change?
  • What would be your future plans?
  • How would it effect your business? Obviously if your business is entirely online, you would have some big decisions to make.
  • How would it effect your personal life?

P.S. I just checked my email, and I received this shared discussion two times. If you did, I apologize. I definitely only shared it one time.


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I think many of us that spend most waking hours on our smartphones and on the internet, believe the world would end and that the domino effect of it going down would disrupt business so bad that governments would collapse and it would be the end of the world.

But frankly. At this point. I doubt that. I don't know the figures, but I would guesstimate about 35% of my friends and relatives, have never owned a computer, don't have a bank account and do nothing online.

Yes, there would be a couple years of re-adjustment, and it would be traumatic and we would be denied some common things that we have now. But life would continue, albeit at a slower rate. As to what I would do with my free time. Pretty much what I now do on the computer. I would read and create something. Always keep in mind that many areas of the world do not have access to the internet nor the political freedoms many of us, especially in America, enjoy. There lives may not change at all. As to doom and gloom. The post office still exists, magazines and newspapers are still being printed, all legal documents are still on paper and still filed in local offices etc. etc. We have not moved so far into the new communications era, that we could not back off.

35%??  Wow, that's a high number.  Nearly everyone I KNOW has a computer/iPhone/iPad, etc.  Only the oldest of the old aren't connected in our area.  Surprisingly enough, even low income households in our area are connected.  I teach in a school with 75% free and reduced lunch for students (which means they meet the government guidelines for the poverty level) and those kids ALL have iPhones, iPods, Xboxes, Wiis, etc.  They may not have money for food, clothes, shelter, but they darn sure have their electronics!!  LOL 

I guess it depends on the area you live in.

Great points, and I agree with you completely on every point.


Although most of us here, are Internet dependent - - I agree with Tom, you'd be amazed at how many people are not online. I meet people often who tell me this. Also, we have a lot of the WWII Generation left - - my Mom, and Aunts and Uncles, several still with us - - never looked at the Internet. Funny though, my Mom asks me often, can you look that up on the Internet? My beloved Dad passed away over 5 years ago. He asked me almost daily, can you look this up? If he had lived, he would be online no doubt. My Aunt asks "Can you look this up on that magic box?" ;-)


Tom's comments: "Always keep in mind that many areas of the world do not have access to the internet nor the political freedoms many of us, especially in America, enjoy"

Glad you brought this up...




Go Nuts
Remember these commercials, LOL? Your comment made me think of them. ;-)

That's great, ain't it? LOL!  I had completely forgotten about those wonderful old commercials. I remember going around singing that tune when I was a kid!

First I would cry a lot.

Being disabled, I seldom leave my home.   I have no idea how I would bank, order prescriptions, pay bills and communicate with others.   After I figure out how to take care of essentials, I suppose I would start reading again.

I was an avid reader at one  time.   Then there is always educational TV; please don't take that away too.

Life would be rather dismal without the internet.

Keltic Fae

Reading and Educational TV would be great to fall back on. And it would be terribly difficult to go back to the old way of banking and shopping for things you can order online like your prescriptions. But, getting lost in a good book, or inviting a good friend over for a cup of coffee - - bet we'd all do more of that. ;-)



My philosophy is that no matter how bad I think things are for me, there are many, many people in the world who would gladly changes places with me.

I would find a way to entertain myself.   Maybe write a book.

I am a survivor.

Thanks Jen,

Keltic Fae

I have acholy thought about this queston before becose my mom is really into "Alxe Jone"s internet radeo.  (She belefs it 100%...  I am not so easily convinced)  On sefrol ocashons I've be at my desk talking with my friends on our adeo chat and I'll over hear Alxe Jones talking about how the goverment is going to shut the internet down.  (I don't know if I really belef him) Then I get to thinking "What if that did happen?"


I live in a bad naberhood where my family is not acsepted becoes we have been the "New Family" for the past 5 going on 6 years.  I can not safely go to the schools here so I go to an online school.  Every friend I have I have met and speek to online.  I also run my Dyslexic support group.


For me a life with no internet would meen.

No friends

No school

No escape...

Do I think it's sad how much of my life has had to revolve arownd my labtop?  YES....  T.T  I wish my sicuwashon were difrent!

Your situation makes me grateful that the Internet is available to a young person. I hate to hear that people are so ridiculously judgmental, and that you have to deal with any of that. Thank you for the input. You have a very kind disposition. You will do well. Your Dyslexia will probably end up opening more doors, instead of closing any. I see you as someone who will help Dyslexic children, when you're all grown up. ;-) I just hate to hear you're having to grow up so quick, due to circumstances you can't control.

Best to you,




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