I dont know if I somehow I deleted the text box option.. cause I cant find the text box, I was trying to help a member add stuff to her page, and I cant see the text box now ..I seem to have mine still, and others who have added stuff do, but other members dont have it, that i can see,Is there away to add a text box on their page? thanks~sherri

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I'm not exactly sure what's happening. But, I think if a member doesn't add anything to their profile page  text box, you wouldn't see anything at all. You could create a dummy account and test this theory. And, to my knowledge you can't remove the text box from profile pages, except maybe with custom CSS. So I don't think you've accidentally removed it. I may be wrong, but right this second not remembering that being an option.



Thanks jen i will create one and test it, haha good to know i cant delete it.

tested it with dummy  acct.. i can see the text box now,  i did come up with a problem tho  with the dummy acct.i don't  know why but i had 2 inboxes ,as a new member  i checked them and it was past pms from a member to another member..dated 2009. why on earth would that happen??

Wow! I have no idea, and that is so not good. Let me ask this. Are you certain it's not an old Admin account of yours?


If not, I would definitely submit a Support Ticket to Ning about this. I think you should take screen shots, be sure to include the member account for the test site and the member accounts of the inbox messages.


If I were you, I would also join if you haven't, and add this to the Ning Creator site:





yes i think i had used that  email before and somehow it it remembered my email,i tried again and everything was fine so it was the email i am assuming.very odd tho. i was shocked to have 2 inboxes from 2009. i guess ning does remember emails.ty  jen and yes i will ask ning aout it.



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