Overtone Music Network September News

Hi there,
is it true that one month is elapsed? Time is running fast - hope you are well!

It's time to write you a new broadcast message: What's going on in our small overtone family? Well, Marco and Lorenzo from Italy are working for the Tune The World Event which will be held worldwide on Oct. 2nd - from Italy to India around the globe - Arjopa will be in Tuva - Christian Bollmann is now on tour in Brasil if you provide the schedule calendar please contact me and least but not at last David Hykes will give a workshop from September 20-25, 2009 in Esalen - for this retreat are some scholarships available -

Check out the Overtone Music Network event calendar and add your concerts, workshops or other events to our site. We have continual ~ 5.000 visitors with 32.000 page views on our site. That's not much - but as we know - we are a strong family of overtone lovers worldwide.

There were some very exceptional events this summer. Starting with the Overtone Festival in Lund to Barkhausen in West-Germany, continue with the Aborigène Festival in Le Rêve and the (Alikvotni Festival) Overtone Festival in Prague - you can find some video recordings here on our Video Portal - and if we are well informed the season with overtone festivals will be finished this year in Dresden with the Lausch Rauch Festival this weekend.

In my last message to all members of our network I wrote that you have the chance to become part of harmonic history. That was not seriously. What I meant was that you can support Dean Frenkel's MEDIA PROJECT by submitting excerpts of your overtone singing. In this way you can part of a DVD - not history. But nevertheless we wish Dean a great success with his project it will be become really a part of Media History. Thanks to one member for clearing this up. Maybe (!) there are only five persons who wrote Harmonic History in the past: As musicians David Hykes in New York, Demetrio Stratos in Italy - Michael Vetter & Christian Bollmann in Germany and Tran Quang Hai as a researcher worldwide - if you are reading this please do not leave our OMN - it is just my own point of view and you can respond to it here. I know there are many, many people who are writing harmonic history - all throatsinger from Tuva and Mongolia, Steve Sklar with his Forum Khoomei.com Wolfgang Saus with his Portal for Overtone Singing at www.oberton.org and the inventors of polyphonic overtone choir music with Baird Hersey & Prana and Stuart Hinds - all members of this network. But History is in a flow and people will be invented some other techniques maybe in the next future.

To finish this message with my writing about what's going on in our small family of overtone I have to inform you about some new features: Each featured blog post will be added automatically as a note to the OMN fan page on facebook - if you don't want this please contact me and I will delete RSS feed posting on facebook manually. Another improvement is the option to post a short note about your own upcoming concerts and workshops. You will find this feature on the top of your OMN Page and I explained here: www.overtone.cc/forum/topics/status-updates-now-alive how to use it. Please use this status update not as another second twitter clone - for that you can add the Twitter Tracker Application to your OMN page.

Do not hesitate to contact the admins that's why we are being admins. And I should not forget to ask you for a vote: Do you like to be informed about Overtone Music Network (that means do you read these messages and if yes, how often do you would like to receive it? - please vote on the start page www.overtone.cc

That's it,

Painting - Castle with Moldau in Prague

Yours Jens Mügge

written in Prague in September 2009 - finished in Berlin 09/10/09

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