Robert Williams - Negroe with a Gun - Black History

photo: John H. Williams/ITVS


As Africa and Arab nations rebel against their oppressors, some, not many, are asking if the black community is prepared to rebel against the oppression, enslavement and brutality that it still faces in America. Right wing extremist and their House Negroes continue to assault the Black community with coded and not so coded racist propaganda. They are openly hostile to a black President who has done very little to address the oppression and discrimination afflicting Blacks and Latinos and has continued some of the policies enacted under Republicans and George W. Bush in the so-called War on Terror.

While all of this going on, while police murder Black men and black babies, while right wing groups murder Latin American immigrants, while they threaten a revolution because a Black man is President, the majority of 21st century Negroes are doing nothing to prepare for what may come.

Tonight Black Talk Radio looks back at a true freedom fighter, Robert Williams, a Black man from North Carolina who dared to pick up a gun and argue for violent self-defense against violent oppression. Sharing audio excerpts of the PBS Independent documentary "Negroes With Guns: Rob Williams and Black Power."

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