President Obama bids to avert the Palestinian Vote at the UN - Is this in the Best Interest of the US?

Listen to the video below (from concerning the discussion ofPresident Obama's actions towards the Palestinians moving forward with their bid at the UN to vote for their statehood. In the video, Maen Areikat, the Chief Palestinian Negotiator to the US, argues the purpose of going forward in the UN vote is to create an equal playing field for the Palestinians at the negotiation table with the Israeli's. 

President Obama has been scrambling around in attempt to avert this from occurring. The main video, provided by the AP, explains how Obama is actually trying to end the entire process from occurring. The President is also believed to most likely vote against the Palestinian state.
Ereikat says if America does anything but vote for the Palestinian state at the UN, it will be viewed as a move to derail and prevent the Palestinians from moving forward. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the single most important issue for America in the Middle East. America has historically been viewed as biased and the enabler of the world's oldest occupation - the Israeli Military Occupation of Palestine. Osama bin Laden cited the US's involvement in the Conflict as one of the main driving forces behind al Qaeda's motivation.
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President Obama bids to avert the Palestinian Vote at the UN - Is t...

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