1. International Yoga Congress 2010 at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg

Download the Yogakongress 2010 Schedule in English
Kali Ray, Anna Trökes, Amadio Bianchi, Narayani, Swami Suddhananda, Swami Yogaswarupananda, Swami Atma, Shanmug Eckhardt, Leela Mata, Rita Keller, Pandit Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sati, Sukadev Bretz … and many other fascinating yoga masters and yoga greats, experience them up close and personal, let yourself be inspired ...

TriYoga®, ChiYoga, Kashmir Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga by André van Lysebeth, Chakra Yoga, Hormone Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Laughing Yoga, Yoga NidraTM, Yoga and Positive Psychology, Yoga Therapy – All this and much more is awaiting you at the International Yoga Vidya Congress. Yoga is thousands of years old and yet a living system, which has continually adapted to the changing needs and conditions of mankind. This inner dynamism and creativity as well as the uniting international element of Yoga inspired us to make the Yoga Congress 2010 an “International Yoga Congress”.

And international it is indeed: 50 speakers from 12 countries are presenting the diverse forms of Yoga. In an intensive weekend you will get insight into traditional and “modern” styles of Yoga. Simultaneously you can dive deep into the holistic integral and spiritual dimension of Yoga in all its wide scope. Yoga Therapy in its physical-oriented and psychological aspect will also be presented. The Yoga Congress is for beginners who want to explore, just as for experienced Yogis and Yoginis looking for new ideas and inspiration in their own practice and teaching.
Back up theory with extensive practice: Lectures, workshops, Yoga classes, meditations, Mantra chanting, relaxation, healthy and delicious vegetarian organic food, and an intense, energetic atmosphere.

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