The world always seems to have a great deal of positive and negative forces within it - perhaps an equal amount of both.  The idea that, in our lifetime, we are going to create peace on Earth is not one that resonates with me.  

I don't believe we are necessarily rewarded for our past good deeds or punished for our bad ones.  In fact, any sort of easy - one size fit's all - spiritual teaching has always struck me as being designed more for one's comfort than for true enlightenment.  I don't propose to understand the greater mysteries or to have the answers.


I created Global One TV nearly 2 years ago for one simple reason.  I feel that the world is starting to wake up from a long chapter in its history, one that is characterized by a fierce dependence on dogmatic monotheistic religious doctrines that have spread fear and bloodshed for thousands of years.  Therefore, I feel that any form of spirituality that looks forward, acknowledges science and encourages free thinking is an improvement.


Global One TV offers a wide range of spiritual teachers and teachings.  Those whom I feel are destructive or overly manipulative are not featured here.  The idea is to introduce you to yourself through teachings that are oriented around self discovery, Self realization - waking up.


Although I feel that awakening requires more than watching videos or reading blogs, certainly these tools are a good starting place.  I can remember vividly the first time I ever read a talk given by J. Krishnamurti.  I was riding in a bus in San Francisco in 1993.  I remember an immediate shift in consciousness.  What was revealed directed me toward an  inner truth and toward a higher dimension of intelligence.  It was not an absolute shift and I continued to be me, a flawed human being.  But I also experienced having more range and depth in my perception as this inquiry continues.


That is the purpose of Global One TV: to create an environment in which revelation can occur.  My personal feeling is that enlightenment is not conclusive.  I don't feel that a person just suddenly becomes enlightened.  Rather, there are enlightenments along the way on ones journey.  And the journey is given depth and range.  The person remains a person - flawed and inhabiting a body that is always living and dying at the same time.


But with each level of awakening, we are able to deeply realize that we are not the body, nor are we our stories.  There is an intelligence beyond all of that.  Let us meet there.


I offer you what I have come across along the way in terms of teachers and teachings.  Global One TV is a spiritual community.  Although new in terms of what else is out there, I do feel that over time this kind of venue will become more commonplace. 


We are living in a new era - one where science and mysticism are starting to find out that they are saying a lot of the same things.  We are only beginning to understand what consciousness is and to be able to find ways to move around in it, to make new discoveries and heighten possibilities.  We are also finding out that when one person begins to wake up from the dream it affects the collective as well - often times profoundly.


Global One TV is just one tool in our toolbox for finding ways to live consciously.   Living unconsciously is not the norm in our society.  Here we swim against the current of the world but with the current of something much larger and much more real.


Since we first launched, 19 million visitors have been to the site.  The internet is a revolution in consciousness and much of it is happening at Global One TV.  Take that in.  Something like this has never happened before in the history of the world.  And if you're a part of Global One TV, then you are truly making history.



Eric Allen Bell











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