Does Penny still love Leonard in The Big Bang Theory?

In Episode 7 of Season 5 of The Big Bang Theory, Leonard ended his long distance relationship to Priya after they find out they both cheated on each other. During Leonard's entire relationship with Priya, Penny is jealous. Initially, she couldn't believe Leonard had already moved on, and she never does the same choosing to remain single. She seems to always be hanging around Leonard's friends and their girlfriends. In my opinion, it is clear she not only did not move on, but that she does not want to move on.

In Episode 9 of Season 5, Leonard and Penny hang out alone for the first time since breaking up. Penny asks Leonard to join her to a movie, but initially he resists. However, he agrees after Penny tells him "it's not a date Leonard. It's just a man and a woman hanging out and not having sex at the end of the night."
For the first time ever, Leonard actually takes control of an evening with Penny. He makes her go to the movie he wants to see and he makes her pay her own way. He used to go to movies she wanted to see so she would have sex with him at the end of the night, but since sex is "off-the-table" he doesn't see any reason to not choose the film he wants to see.
After the movie, they hang out in a cafe/bar setting. While there, Leonard makes a point of letting Penny know they aren't on a date. Therefore, Penny starts talking to a random guy and discusses the science based movie she just watched with Leonard with her new friend. Leonard becomes jealous, and declares he will do the same and find someone to hit on.

Shortly thereafter, he begins talking to a girl named Laura about the


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Does Penny still love Leonard in The Big Bang Theory?

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