Quick notes on how to achieve a SUCCESS FULL life!!

By: Gerald Simmons Inspired by the Great Motivators: Robert Kiyosaki & Joe Schroeder

-The number ONE rule is “Don’t work for Money, make Money work for YOU”!! • Don’t acquire more LIABILITIES than ASSETS. 1. More LIABILITIES less ASSETS = headaches 2. More ASSETS less LIABILITIES = freedom • Overcome your fears. • Control your desires. • Control your emotions. • Everything starts with your MindSet. • In order to Become “rich” you must First
Become “WEALTHY”! 1. That’s if you want your riches to last. Success did not make me! I made success, therefore “I AM” Success Full !!
Gerald Simmons aka Mr. Prosperity 817.829.5349(my number) -Why control your “fears”? • By controlling your “fears” you don’t get caught up in all the negatives of the world! (you can’t do this, You can’t do that!) people who are scared to see things through usually tell you that it can’t be done! REMEMBER THIS SAYING: “IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING”
-Why control your “desires”? • By controlling your “desires” you learn not to become GREEDY and blind to what’s really going on around you! Example: A new job that pays more or a promotion is not always good! Like the Late Great Notorious BIG said “More money More PROBLEMS”. That statement is very true “IF” you acquire more LIABILITIES than you do ASSETS! The Bible says that the LOVE of MONEY is the route of all evil! It does not say that MONEY is the route of all evil, but the LOVE of it is!
(GREED) -Why control your “emotions”? • Learn to control your “emotions” because emotions can get the best of you! If you carry your emotions around on your shoulders you are likely to get taking advantage of! People play off of your “emotions”!
If you can “think” before you “react” (controlling your “emotions”), you in return will gain respect and in most cases you can start to make money work for you and stop working for money!

Do you know your subconscious mind yet? My subconscious mind and I have a real good relationship now! His name is Mr. Prosperity what’s yours? It’s time to get in touch or to get better acquainted with your subconscious mind. I want to help you by sending you a “FREE” book! (not a eBook!) To receive your free book send me a email to geraldsimmonsjr@gmail.com w/ your name, your MAILING address, and in the subject line write “PROSPERITY PACKAGE”! If you think you are in the advance class of knowing your subconscious mind you can go here: www.SendProsperity.com to place your order for the advanced minds! Quest For Prosperity?
2 Audio CD & 2 Booklets written by Joe Schroeder Ad copy Specialist (goggle him) All orders are back with 100% money back guarantee for 60 days. And You Don't Have To Return The Package. If what you give to others adds value, you never have to ask for it back. Conference calls 9:27 PM (est) MONDAY/ TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY 1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088# You are more than welcome to Say Gerlad Simmons invited you And introduce yourself! Or You can be like a Fly On the Wall Just Observing. Gerald Simmons aka Mr. Prosperity 817.829.5349

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