@http:www.santalivenow.com THE OFFICAL SANTA OF THE INTERNET Jessica a mother of three wonderful Children living in Tennessee confronted me on a Social Network. Of the over 250,000 people I have encountered on the internet since last November you are the first person to ask me, “Why do you call yourself Santa??" What a great question!!! I think it's this simple... it's nice to work only one day a year. {LOL} No really... I have taken it upon myself as Santa Claus to bring as much joy and peace to the hearts of the Child in all of us. These are the most uncertain of times. The clay of the Earth’s future is up for the taking. Life, as most of us know it, has never been so fragile. Seven years ago a terrorist attack took the innocence of our generation. In one single moment, not knowing the severity of its consequences, I witnessed a loss to the human spirit of all mankind. This act of pure terror crossed every line of separation. Weather your ethnic background or station in life it rooted you to the quick. The fabric of our precious life has been torn. The rippling effect continues to tear at my soul. But, as Santa, I hold if only a drop of pure hope and faith in my heart that as a community of believers in a much higher power there is purpose for us to get out from underneath the covers this morning. I believe with such a political change on the horizon in America we are going to break the shackles of terrine that were clamped on all living soul that day seven years ago. This is not just about Americans. It’s about humanity around the world. I travel around the Earth, not just at Christmas delivering presents to the wide eyed innocence believers of the Spirit of Christmas which lives deep in the souls of the Child in all of us. For it is on the Internet, my twitter peeps will attest, our world comes to a new understanding every sunset and sunrise, that we have become one global Community. It’s simply, the need for information about how to acquire a better tomorrow that is why we get out of bed. What is a better tomorrow? That my friend is what we should be asking ourselves with every step down this path we call life. This is not rocket science. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel; although we are probably going to. {LOL} We have three simple choices: 1. To make a positive choice through hope and faith in a better life for our Children. 2. To make a negative choice and destroy the future for our Children. 3. To make no choice and have no impute into the future of Children. The funny thing is all three choices take the same amount of energy. Every morning as the sun raises and I slowly pull the covers down from over my cap I give a pray of thanks that today I will feel the power of a Childs smile as their lay their eyes on me for the first time this magical season. At that moment there is only one choice I have to make. I want to thank you for making me look into myself. It first I thought maybe I was going through a midlife crises. But now it is clear I’m a mission. THANKS TO ANGIE M. PARISH THIS IS OUR MISSION STATEMENT:
My beloved friends of santalivenow as most everyone is aware there are thousands of people in our own respective states of origin that are far less fortunate than you and I and because of that their joy in this most holiest of holidays is diminished. There are far too many children and adults alike who dread to see the 25th of December come because their hearts want so much to share in the joy of this festive holiday yet their minds will not let them. A variety of reasons may cause this for them. Those that readily come to mind are: 1. Lack of finances or very limited finances; 2. Lack of nourishment or fear of not knowing where the next meal will come from 3. Lack of shelter or permanent shelter 4. Lack of feeling that there is in fact so other living person out there who cares It makes little difference what the reason is except as to what remedy would help the most. Whatever their reason is - it blemishes what in my opinion should be the most joyous of all days for everyone not just the privileged.. Hence the reason for this post. My friends, I would ask this holiday season that each and every one of you reach out to someone you know or know of who may be in one of these positions. Donate to one of your local food pantry’s or donate a toy to anyone one of the many charities that collect new toys for those children who would not otherwise have a gift for Christmas- In doing so you give someone a reason to rejoice this holiday season who might not otherwise do so. In doing so you give the greatest gift ever given that of LOVE. Your act of kindness does not necessarily have to be miraculous to be life changing. For if the truth be known- a miracle- is nothing more than a pleasant event that wasn’t calculated to happen- yet happens anyway! It could be as simple as reaching out and shaking the hand of someone who looks lonely or lost and saying “may the blessings of God be with you today and throughout this holiday season”. It could be that bag of groceries you left at your local food bank or on the doorstep of someone you know who truly needs them; or that toy you donated to Toys for Tots or some other similar organization. What ever kindness it is you chose to do it will only go to prove that there are Angels who walk among us and you have just become one of them! MERRY CHRISTMAS SANTA
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