Blasting Satan

It is mentioned in Gods Word in [Rev. 15:3] and they sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. What is the writing that "this song" is teaching the Church. The song of Moses is taken from [Exodus 15:1-19] and sparks a lengthy discussion in the Word as to the various types of songs and their meaning that God says to sing to yourselves in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, not what is on the top ten seller list in the world of music. This teaching is based on these two above mentioned verses. For in our everyday life we are to proclaim the name of God even among the heathen so that we may lay claim to [Psalms 2:7-8] as our family members also. We are to ascribe greatness to our God because Just and right is He. Note that a song of Moses even is a code for any form of worship of God, whether in our prayer of agreement to what Jesus did for mankind at Calvary, through giving Him praise for our ability to change all situations by sowing His Word and through performing the commandments of God to walk in Love to Him and man that He created. It should also be remembered that the different qualities, essences, attributes and characteristics of God Himself mentioned are also part of our own spiritual makeup from being born of His Spirit. Thus being in Christ Jesus corresponds to our having also received His 6 emotional spirit essences given by God to man in His Wisdom and Understanding and that man now being seen by God as a part of His royalty is to be in our consciousness so it can be revealed in this world through our speech being the same as His.
What is the type of song stands above all others? This is the secret of the song of the Lamb of the redeemed, whether through words such as praise, or through actions such as walking in all the provisions Christ Jesus wrought for us. Everything in these two songs are seen first from below to God above and then from God above to below in the manifesting of His presence and works. First, when a person raises his consciousness of God living inside of them and not way off yonder in the wild blue sky and unreachable, it in itself accompanies a command to be one with God as John 17 says, in the physical world. This raises a mans consciousness to the spirit quality of what it truly means to be a royal priesthood and royal sons of God. This consciousness is called our "raising the feminine waters" and in Hebrew it is called "Mayin Nukvin" known by its capital letters "MaN". If a MaN be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation. Feminine because it is accompanied by a yearning to receive the Seed of the Word as a woman is to give birth and reproduce after its kind as God said. It is not feminine because of gender! This meditation of Gods thoughts and Words from His Spirit is to unite our spirit with Christ Jesus our Savior and Husband which is the active "masculine" aspect of the Divine. This unity in turn causes a downward flow of higher consciousness to man. This responsive downward flow is called "masculine waters" "mayin duchrin" or MaD. If you don’t wait to walk in the Wisdom and revealed Knowledge of God you will become or respond to things in the world in a mad manner. You will either be MAD at Satan and destroy his works of Satan by the Wisdom and revealed Knowledge of God or become mad at the person for rejecting what you just knew to be right and from God. Man needs to intend in his heart to unite all of the given qualities of God in one so the Light of God shines as a jewel in our crowns. This is the next step of meditating the Word. From where do we learn this order of meditation? We learn it from Moses, as is written in the verse: "For I will call out [in Hebrew, "ekra"] the name God." [Deut. 32:3] which lines up with 1 Peter 4:11. What does "ekra" mean? It reflects that which is written: "And He called [in Hebrew, "Vayikra"] to Moses" (Lev. 1:1) that is the Shechina as we accepted the call of God to be saved. The root "kra" of the word "Vayikra" is the root of the English word "to cry" when it is used in the sense of to cry out or call too. Crying out is directed towards the Shechina/God, as we learned from the first word of the book of Leviticus when after the completion of the Tabernacle, God spoke to Moses from between the wings of the cherubim. So this word is used in connection with the first step "up" in the levels of divinity or the Shechina. This is the first, most basic level, represented by putting on the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of the devil. Afterwards, the text continues, "I will ascribe greatness to our
God/Elohim." This refers to the King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah. This is the next step of the meditation, as the Shechina of God has united with man being as one being with God as also seen in John 17. In turn, this causes "greatness" or a higher consciousness to be revealed at the level of Elohim. Look at [Psalms 8:5] that says God made man a little lower than ELOHIM [not angels]. Elohim means almighty one. Verse 6 says God created man to have dominion over the Earth, not to be subject to the things of the Earth or Satan who wants to rule it. The only rule Satan has in the Earth is in the lives of unbelievers, disobedient to Gods truth people and those who are led by man preaching and teaching carnality. Paul asked the church people who were falling prey to the God allowed this Satan led group, “Why have you allowed Satan to turn you so quickly from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus to that of “if it be thy will” and “God allows it.” Both are of Satan and need to be rebuked by the Truth of God in these last days.
The word "our" shows that we are integrating ourselves with all the Body of Christ in this meditation. This causes the divine effluence to be made manifest and it comes down from its higher level as is written: "Just [in Hebrew, "tzadik"] and straight [in Hebrew, “yashar”] is He."
As the divine abundance comes from within you through oneness with the Spirit of God and His Wisdom, it is gathered into the aspect of the quality of "justice"/yesod/tzadik and passed onto the aspect of that of being "straight"/yashar/man. Man is called yashar, i.e. "straight" in this instance because he is directly receiving the higher Light of God and applying it for Gods results. Afterwards he unified all in the bonds of applied faith and said: "is He" and that is the unification of all.
The word "He" at the end of the quoted verse, indicates a hidden state - unlike "you" which is revealed. The highest level of divinity is the blessed Infinite Light; it is hidden and thus referred to by the pronoun He. The use of this pronoun indicates that Moses was meditating on the way all these different vessels are filled with the same light. So too should a person organize the praising of his Master in this manner. In the beginning from below to above to elevate the honor of his creator, to that place that is irrigated from the waters of the stream [Sperm Seed foundation of understanding] from which flow out and issue forth divine abundance to be drawn down from above to below. You have a treasure in heaven and a treasure in earthen vessels that bring the substance of God through faith and that you greatly expect to receive it which is called hope. God gave to man “THE” not as carnally led man changes the Word and says “A” measure. This is the secret of the river of Life, i.e. understanding or intellect from the knowledge of God and His truth, which flows from its source, i.e. Seed foundation of Abba/Father, from the Garden of Eden Tree of Life Jesus said we can now partake of and its Wisdom.
The waters from the irrigation or the direction of the flow of that stream flow from level to level within the gates, doors, mansions, openings channels, etc mentioned available to man by Jesus. They are drawn down blessings to all of mankind who will learn to do what God says to you must do to operate in them from above to below where the Kingdom of God is in man. This downward flow of the Wisdom and Revealed Knowledge of God is received in man there must be a binding in one unity, a binding of faith. Amos 3:3 says can two walk together except they be agreed which means saying the same thing. If any two of you shall agree on Earth with God, it shall be done.
"Faith" is the code word for the highest essence of God because there is no grasping its essence, no understanding of its magnitude until you see and speak as God. This level of oneness with divinity is likened to the infinite light that fills the vessels of the spirit of man, enriching each in its downward flow to man with the capabilities of God Himself. This meditation is of one who gives honor to the name of his Master in unifying the holy Name of Havayah as being one with the Father as Jesus prayed for man to do in John 17. It is about such a person that it is written: "For those who honor Me, I will honor them." (Samuel I 2:30) For they honor Me in This World and I will honor them in the World to Come. Another example to show how this unification is achieved is being referred to here. The unification of the name of God spelled yud-hei-vav-hei is a similar meditative exercise. The final letters vav-hei represents God and man. When they are unified and elevated they connect with the yud and the hei in the first two letters of the name, which represent Wisdom and Understanding. Now united, the letters draw down their flow of divine consciousness in a way that magnifies the glory of God in a world that seems full of disunity. Christ in me the hope of Glory. Now the text can be read: In this world, they, the Bride, honor Me through their meditative intentions while praying and performing My acts of Love. In return I will honor them with the conscious flow from the level of understanding, which is called "the World of the Kingdom of God to Come into play in the Earth", because through it My intentions are always being actualized. Blast Satan completely out of your life with the Truth of Gods Word as a little created Elohim of the Great Elohim.

Prophet Joe

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