I'll be here for you
When sorrow stands waiting
And anger comes by
When your heart just starts crying
And you really don’t know why
Then i’ll be here
Just by your side
I’ll be the person you can run to
When you just want to hide
When you don’t feel like giving answers
Questions I won’t ask
Only one thing that I want
Is you to take of your mask
I want to see YOU
Not the one your TRYING to be
I can see all your feelings
But I can’t find the key
When you have lost faith
I’ll give it back to you
When you think nobody cares
I’ll prove to you it isn’t true
Love & Light
Pleiadian Lightworker Nelly (petronilla

Follow your heart and your guidance of what you truly desire to create in
your world. Where your truth lies in your heart ~ feel this energy, this
vibration and hold yourself true to you!
You are worth your hearts desires dear ones, and when you learn to believe in this truth, you will shift the energy of your creations.
Whether it is love, friendship, financial, career or self-worth, you must be the one to hold the energy that you deserve and believe. Feel yourself in the heart of your desires, it is more than just thinking of where you choose to be, you must feel the essence of your true self
and what you deserve from this life.
We ask that you feel the joy, sense the beauty and enlightenment of who you are.
You are all divine Children of God's light and when you recognize the beauty and truth of
this within you, you will see the world around you shift and change.
How many of you recognize this truth within you, aware of the energy of light that fills you? Feel this energy of who you are and you will fill your life with true abundance of all
things good.
Many of you are seeing and feeling the great shifts on your planet. What energy, what thoughts, what feelings and what emotions are you holding within you? You may see and acknowledge the light that shines within you, but are you aware of the energy that you create and bring forth within yourself and your world when you develop thoughts and conversations on these topics?
Hold yourself in your own truth and acknowledge how you feel about the shifts and changes that are taking place. Do you go into fear, thoughts and emotions of anger, or do you accept with love and light within your heart, your mind, your thoughts, knowing these changes are creating movement and lifestyle changes for all those who are open to the great changes of
We are all here together to grow and learn, to see the light within one another, and when you can accept life's shifts, you will see your own world and the world of planet Earth flow within her creations. See all that is good, focus your energies on what brings you joy, balance and harmony and know that all works out in the end.
All across your lands, changes are taking place. See the changes that life brings as a future growth and awareness to humanity and learn to grow with her.
We are in great times of change, great times of growth and great times of enlightenment. Hold your light bright and show the way through the way you choose to carry yourself
within this new energy.
We call upon your presence and ask that you guide one another with love, with belief that all is well and is as it needs to be.
You will continue to see the growth of humanity as you follow the path of your
own light. Remember, you hold the truth within you and when you are the beacon,
those that choose to be in your light, your energy, shall be.
Do not encourage another to be as you, allow them to see the truth of who you are and make their own choice as to what path they shall walk. You all have your own lessons and experiences to gain. Trust this within each divine soul you meet, know they are here to learn what they chose and needed in this lifetime. Do your best to let go of your own judgements and accept with glory in your hearts that this is the path they are to walk...just as you are to walk the path you are on.
We love you all equally and we see such joy in the movement of growth in your own awareness as you step into the path of your own divine light.
Be free in your life,
allow others to be free in their life,
and see the light shine in each of you,
as you set yourselves free to walk the path of your own divine journey....
Be who you are and smile with the gift of life.
Tracey Smith
with Gods blessings
Blue Ray Pleiadian Ligh tworker Nelly
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Your my buddy, and Ill always remember your kindness and loyalty and friendship. Your the best, and i hope you have a beautiful day!!
Hugs to you
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I'M ALL NING! What about you?
I sincerely wish you and your Ning Network, tremendous success! And I hope that the Ning Directory is both rewarding to you and your Network.
Best to you,