Why should you add the "ALT Attribute", when adding an image with the image tag?

Tag Example: <img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="This is your ALT text.">

  1. The ALT (alternate text) is displayed while the image is loading, and remains if for some reason the image cannot load.
  2. It's a great way to increase your important keyword Search Engine results, which will help your site gain more Organic traffic. * Please see advisory on keyword stuffing.

How did I get in Google's top Search Engine results in less than 4 hours?

I try to add the ALT attribute to all images. The reason for this is simple, to accomplish both items above. To cover a few more details and the importance of the ALT attribute in regards to search results and traffic - - aside from the obvious ways to gain more traffic: great content, your site has been around a while, you have great incoming links, and high Google/Alexa rankings, etc...your Search Results will be higher and more often, if you add ALT tags. If your site doesn't have many of the former optimization characteristics yet, the ALT attribute is a simple way to start going in the right direction. I test this theory often, and am always amazed at the results. It will get you more search results, period.

Here's a perfect example, and actually what prompted me to write this discussion. Today I added a floating image to JenSocial.com - - an image that floats at the bottom right of the pages. I added the ALT attribute text "JenSocial Free Directory for All Social Networks". I also added the title attribute with the same text. Be sure to use ALT text that defines your image, and try to find a way to add a word or two to identify your site. Do not add your site name or other keywords, over and over within one image tag. This is considered a form of keyword stuffing, and will get you penalized by Google.

Four hours later, I went to Google and searched on these 2 phrases:
  • free social network directory - - results, #7 on Google Search results
  • free network directory - - results, #3 on Google Search results
Important to take into account: Although this is the first time I added the word free to any meta tag, title, or ALT attribute, this is a long and unique phrase, so easier to get results. But, no doubt these phrases will be searched on via Google. And, as mentioned above, JenSocial has earned other optimization characteristics that help make this happen.

And for the times that these results change, here's a screen shot of the Google Search Results:

Hope this helps a little with your Search Engine Optimization. Keep in mind, you may not gain top search engine results. But, it's a great way to start moving in the right direction, an excellent HTML and SEO practice, and over time you should see a difference.

For those who will ask "How do I add a floating image?"

Floating Image Tip:
Here's the code I used to add the floating red medallion image (bottom-right). On a Ning Network, you can add to your Analytics Box. On other websites, you can add the code in your HTML just about anywhere. Notice I even use the title attribute within my a href (link) tag.

<a target='_blank' href='/main/authorization/signUp' title='JenSocial Free Directory for All Social Networks'><img src='http://jensocial.com/custom_images/JenSocialFreeDirectory.png' alt='JenSocial Free Directory for All Social Networks' title="JenSocial Free Directory for All Social Networks" style='position: fixed; bottom: 25px; right: 0px;'></a>

Tip: To show a mouse-over text on images or image-maps, use the title attribute, like this: <img src="smile.gif" alt="Smiley Face" title="Smiley Face" />

Definition: Organic traffic is free, and earned by proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With the right keywords and SEO work, you should see organic traffic coming into your website on a regular basis. In fact, it's one of the largest types of traffic, online.

Definition: * Keyword Stuffing is considered to be an unethical search engine optimization (SEO) technique. Keyword stuffing occurs when a web page is loaded with keywords in the meta tags or in content. The repetition of words in meta tags may explain why many search engines no longer use these tags. - Source: Wikipedia

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Now, this sounds great, and l think l need someone to help me out with this, as l am not computer smart.lol. Thank you again for your helpful hints and tips.
When you add an image in a text page, new page, discussion, blog, etc... be sure to add an ALT tag that describes the image. For example, if you were talking about a cake recipe and the image was of the ingredient "flour", you might want to make your alt tag="flour ingredient for great cake recipe", or you may want to plug your site name at the same time and make the alt tag="Fantasyland's Cake Recipe - flour ingredient". Be careful not to use your name in all though. It could be considered stuffing, and you can get penalized by Google algorithms for keyword stuffing. This probably isn't the best example, just the first that came to mind. Maybe I'm hungry for cake! LOL!

Here's the tag code you'll need to use:
<img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="This is your ALT text.">

Bottom line: ALT tags are picked up by Search Engine Spiders. They give you even more chances to get more pages indexed, and for Search phrases on Search Engines to find your site. Plus, images also show up under Googles/Images - - which gives double the chance of someone finding your site because of the image and it's ALT tag.

I tried it Yeah!

Floating Image~another Ditto for JenSocial
Glad you liked it.
I love this I had installed your image but it was not floating, now it is thanks for the code.

I experimented and found how to also move from one side to the other by changing right to the word (left)

And now to change things up a but to use to place a different image and different placement, top right top left.
Love to play.

Thanks Jen
Excellent! Sounds like fun. Be sure to test the page in different browser resolutions. You want to make sure the floater isn't covering up content that will be aggravating to your site visitors. For example, on 1024 by 768, the JenSocial medallion covers the page at bottom right. Naturally it covers up content, if there are no left and right pixel spaces. This is why the "fixed" attribute is critical. It stays in place while the covered content is scrolled up/down. Does that make sense? When I work on my mini PC, it's there, and doesn't seem to irritate me. And, I'm a pretty good barometer. I don't like for "things" to get in my way on a screen. LOL.



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