I recently installed the PunchTab Rewards app to JenSocial, and so far I love it! What about you?

There's been a lot of discussion about PunchTab on Creators, and in fact, probably the place I heard about it first. This is a very simple tip on how to change the default "Rewards" button.


PunchTab lets site-owners build free loyalty programs for their websites, blogs and apps with no development cost or marketing spend.

Seems pretty exciting to me to check the leaderboard, even as a by-stander. If you don't know about it yet, you can check them out here: http://www.punchtab.com The Rewards app definitely encourages user engagement and social sharing of your site.


Notice the button located at top-left of JenSocial, labeled "Earn Rewards". I customized the button, because I really wanted something that stood out a little better than the default button offered by PunchTab. I've already received several emails asking how I changed it, so I wanted to share this code.


  1. You will need to create a button that is approximately 35 pixels in height by 146 pixels in width. Or, change the code below to work for your button.
  2. Upload your button via a Ning Blog, or if you are a Pro Subscriber you can use your File Manager via: My Network/Content/File Manager
  3. Change URL below to your image path.
  4. Add code to your Advanced CSS via: My Network/Settings/Appearance/Advanced CSS.


/* PunchTab Rewards */
#red_tab {background-image:none!important;}
#rwd_tab {background:url("http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1061521062?profile=original") no-repeat!important;
height: 35px!important;
background-position: -1px!important; }
/* PunchTab Rewards */


The horizontal position of PunchTab behaves better in all browsers if you leave it on the left, the default position. To change the location of your button in vertical positioning, add and adjust:

top:35px!important; OR






Views: 1078

Replies to This Discussion

Oh yeah, that is an odd location. I love PunchTab, but a little concerned about how it's slowing down JenSocial. :(
I'm giving punch tab another spin.  See if all the bugs worked out and it gets used.

Hi Jen 

I tried to get working but didn't manage to get it to display correctly i will try again in a day or two thanks for the tip !


still struggling with this one - i can get the default button to work but not the one i am uploading !

Hi Jen, do you still use Punchtab on the site, I don't see the button on Jensocial, thanks!

No, unfortunately I pulled out early on. I really like punchtab, and wish I could use it. With all the features I use for examples, I couldn't afford the extra slowdown. I may try it again soon.



Got it, thanks!



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