Hello Friends,

Any idea on how to add a link which will provide other members to add my website as their homepage.
This is my website www (dot) unimatez (dot) com.

Any help or advice accepted.


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When l want to add a home page, l just go to Internet Option and type the address to the page in there. May be you can ask your member to do so this way.
Hello fantasyland,

Thank you for trying, but unforutnately, It is not possible for me and it is kind off unprofessional to ask every member to follow this step.

one particular link or button, somewhere on the header area would ease this process.
This would also improve traffic on the website.

I am bad at codes and scripts, hope to get some help from you guys.

Hi Adrian,
In the future, please add questions here:

I'm thinking about your question. There used to be a quick little piece of code for this. I'll get back.

Hello Jen,

I was not aware of this lolz...will keep in mind next time onwards.
thanks for trying.

No problem. Did you see where I added the tip, but it only works in Internet Explorer. I can't find a way to do it for FireFox.
Hello Jen,

A million thanks for trying. I will try to add the code anyways.
Could you advice me on where to add this code...would that be analytics or appearence???

You'll have to add to a text box, or Analytics box and it will show up at bottom of site.

I've run out of time. But, apparently this is not easily found or done for FireFox. The site called Dynamic Drive is one of the most reliable sites, online. They offer the code. It will take up a lot of space in your Analytics Box. Here's the link for code and instructions:
FireFox and IE Bookmark Code
I added the Tip here:


BUT, I JUST FOUND OUT. SORRY, THIS CODE IS NOT WORKING IN FIREFOX. I'll let you know if I find an answer.

Hope that helps,



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