Hi, Dear Jen and Webcreators+,


I have been working on this for a long time and i am trying to make my website show only the login box before users log in. Or is it possible to show only a flash or the background picture before log in?


I really need help :(!!!
Thanks so much!

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Since Ning shut off WebDav to new networks, I haven't even tried a splash page location and redirect. And things like the remapping tool and content manager are too risky to mess your site up, so I don't give tips or help on those.

Of course if you didn't already have your site forwarded to your dotning URL, you could create an index.html on a hosted server under your domain name. And either have a link to go on to your ning site, or add something like this tag in the head of a file named index.html

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://yourning.ning.com">
And the real drawback of this one, I don't think you could display your domain.com instead of the name.ning.com. And this would take removing the forward, and that could get confusing as well.

I say hang around and wait for ning to add the feature for a splash page into the platform. I feel it will happen eventually.

You may find this thread interesting. Keeping in mind, new WebDav access is no longer a request Ning will fulfill.




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