Google offers some cool gadgets that will work on our Ning Networks. I have attached a text file that contains the code for the Calorie Counter. This code will fit in the center column. All you have to do is: add the code to a text box.
Also, here's the Google page link, where you select other gadgets. Not all will work within a Ning Network.
Google Gadgets
This is a nice gadget, actually part of LabPixies. You could probably get the code directly from them at: LabPixies
See attached file for code.

Be careful, the gadgets are created by Google users, not Google. Personally, I would not use the gadgets that have Google Ads embedded. The gadget creator is making $$$ off your site visitor's clicks. If you do not pay premium service from Ning, you could be violating their TOS.

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Hey Jen the app is embed but not usable through my mini site? Also is it possible to use an iframe for some calorie counters so my members don't have to leave the site to use it?



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