Categorize Content Using Tags / Add Category Sub-tabs: Blogs, Forums, Photos, and Videos.

How To Add Special Category Sub-tabs (links) for Blogs, Forums, Photos, Videos

You can make it much easier for your members to find content, by adding good tags to your content. For these links to work nicely, be sure to spend a little time adding consistent tags to your:
blogs, forums, photos, and videos. It works for text within the content, as well. But, to add good tags to content, will produce the best results.

It's also a good idea to encourage your members to add consistent tags to their content (blogs, forums, all discussions, photos, and videos). For example, let's say you have a sport site. You could make a list of tags for your members, and encourage them to tag their content appropriately. For sports you might add a tag list like this: baseball, basketball, football, golf, hockey, soccer, etc...

With a Sport's site as our example, let's talk about the links you'll need to add to your new sub-tabs.


Forum Discussions:



Add Your Sub-tabs:
After you have decided what tags you would like to use, start creating your sub-tabs. It's best to use the same Sub-tab Title, as the actual search tag.

Using our example search strings above for Blogs and Videos:

Add a Sub-Tab Under Blogs.
  1. Go to Manage/Tab Manager.
  2. In upper left, Click on Add New Tab.
  3. In right column next to: Tab Name - - change "New Tab" to Golf.
  4. Check the box next to: Make this a sub-tab.
  5. Click radio button for Use Existing URL: and add:  /profiles/blog/list?q=golf
  6. Select your choice of: Make Tab Visible To
  7. In left column, click and drag your new sub-tab under Blogs.
  8. Click on Save Tab Settings.

Add a Sub-Tab Under Videos.
  1. Go to Manage/Tab Manager.
  2. In upper left, Click on Add New Tab.
  3. In right column next to: Tab Name - - change "New Tab" to Baseball.
  4. Check the box next to: Make this a sub-tab.
  5. Click radio button for Use Existing URL: and add:  /video/video/search?q=baseball
  6. Select your choice of: Make Tab Visible To
  7. In left column, click and drag your new sub-tab under Videos.
  8. Click on Save Tab Settings.

Views: 722

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for helping
I really love this and want to use it. I really get frustrated that we cannot categorize our content easily and this seems like the best alternative I've seen thus far. I only hope I can get my members to tag properly. Yesterday I went around and added tags to about 20 articles. I'd rather not have to do that.
l like your blogs/media tab. and sub tags. l like all of them.

Hi Jen

Is there any way to search for multiple tags in url? using logical operators.



I doubt this will work - - This will not work in 3.0, without the search. But, seems to work in 2.0. Here's an example:





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