www.indiemusicglobal.com Free Promotion for the Indie Artist, no catches!

Independent musicians, unsigned, independent label, DJ or 'solo
artists. Based in Geelong, but we are Global! Also for the music enthusiast.
Support Local Think Global!

Network, be seen share your GIG

We have hundreds of fans on facebook, so why dont YOU join the
IMGlobal© Site!

That way we can promote you even more!!!  

It's a very user friendly site & i have also tweaked quite a
few things, for instance your profile page is now named your GIG page,so as to
gear it as a promo of your gig to the world, come and check it out for

You only get our mass promotion if you join IMGlobal©

Joining our MySpace page, or our fan page on facebook, &
bebo etc , does not give you all the following free promotion.

When you join the IMGlobal©website, you
"Automatically" get promoted on our 'myspace page!

myspace.com/imgl0baland MORE! twitter.com/imgl0bal

 All FREE to the Independent Artist!

 Once you join the IMGlobal© Website, we can SHARE your gigs,

blogs, and lots more to Myspace, facebook, twitter & loads more, i am
currently adding more share buttons throughout the IMGlobal© Website.

The site is always evolving, and i am making it "more
interactive" on a continual basis.


You Also have the choice to join our label on RevebNation where
we again promote you, 

and we can showcase your "New Releases" on our
profile! reverbnation.com/label/imgl0bal

Then we add you to this IMGlobal© Fan page , where you can then
SHARE all your new gigs, music, latest news etc!

You are then Added to our new site, 

where you can add all your latest news & be promoted here as well!

 SUMMARY = you get promoted. a 'minimum' of "TEN"


Once you join the IMGlobal© Website, we can SHARE your gigs,

blogs, and lots more to Myspace, facebook, twitter & loads more, i am
currently adding more share buttons throughout the IMGlobal© Website. The site
is always evolving, and i am making it "more interactive" on a
continual basis.

"IMGlobal© - The Musicians Social networking site!

Where the music meets!"

So what are you waiting for? 

Get onboard!!!


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WHY cant my font stick??? and the http://jensocial.com/page/wysiwyg-html-editor isnt working either, arrgggg, between ning support and this, im so "OVER" it :/



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