Woo-Hoo Ning Networks! Status Update on Home Page Coming Soon!

Wow! This may be one of the best updates Ning has ever made. Very soon we will have built-in Status updating from our home pages. I've already found myself leaving three status updates on the Creator site, so exciting and engaging! I believe this will increase member activity exponentially, over time. And it just gets better. Ning is also working on inline commenting!


It's cleaner. It's fresh. And, it's downright fun!

If you want to see it in action, go to Ning's Creator site:


What Nick of Team Ning has to say about the upcoming features for Latest Activity and Status Updates:

  • Members can post a Status from the Main Page. If you uncheck "Status updates" in the Latest Activity controls, this box will disappear.
  • Activity Items have a new, cleaner UI (User Interface) that makes it easier for members to interact with content in the feed.
  • Videos are playable inline, and photo thumbnails are larger.
  • When you click "Continue" on a blog post, the post expands inline.



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Hello Jen,


I am going to wait see. I got excited; however it got several bugs...I tried to update my status from the main page on NC; however it's not being updated on the main page yet.

I think they might have disabled status update from the latest activity feed...


Oh really? I hadn't noticed they had disabled it. I'll try later. I think this will be a great enhancement to the Ning platform. As in any feature, you're right. It probably will take a while to iron out all the bugs. I hope they install on JenSocial tomorrow or this week, as a beta site.

Best Regards,



This is very exciting.  Its partially why I have been moving things around on my site in anticipation of bringing more focus to the activity feed.
the only thing I don't get...is why no inclusion of adding your update to also facebook, and not just twitter?

I guess it will take time, all a process of improving this.


l just now try this out. It is great. I like it!

Me too! Thanks for the feedback.


Is this new feed still limited to 20 feed items?  It ought to at least show all activity updates of the past 24 hours, or preferably 100-1000 items depending on how active the network (not all on the same page, but expandable or viewable on a specific all feed page).

For now it's still limited to 20 items. From what I've seen with websites and load times, I'm thinking that much over 50 would be so slow to load, it wouldn't be a good option.  But, I'm not sure what Ning's plans are on this. Thanks for the feedback.

Best Regards,



Do you like the way the status update bar scrolls up with the feed?  I know the scroll is code you added, do you think you'll be able to find a way to put the status bar stationary?

As you mentioned, it only scrolls up because of the special scroll bar I added, not by default. If you are asking, can we add the scrollbar below the status update, I don't think so.

Best Regards,



I was wrong. When the update is released, this should work for the wide column like on Ning Creators:

.xg_widget_main .xg_module_activity .module-feed  { width:502px!important;height:505px!important;overflow:auto!important;position:inherit;}



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