what is actual GB size of a network , which upgrade need, what is the total price / month ?

Ning management has introduced network for money and a plan with 3 items.

But great confusion has created the size in GB of the network (bandwidth is more mysterious).


I ask directly to Ning this question one week ago :

if i want to buy a plan (Ning Pro), with my actual GB size (that I don't know) of the network, what I have to pay to you ?

But Ning is enable to understand my english language and the reply was : it is better for you Ning Pro.  


           Hahahahhhh!    this I already know.


Now 20 july is arrived, but my question is still open : if I don't understand which upgrades I need in addition to Ning pro planning 20 GB, I am enable to know total amount of costs.

Not only I have to pay for Ning, but I am enable to calculate the amount to pay :

In this situation is obvious that I will not buy nothing.


Because Ning way you communicate is so poor ?
Instead of asking what we think of the dashboard,
why not explain what it contains ?

I want a comunication as a customer not as network expert.


It is possible that I am alone with these problems and unresolved questions?


Ciao da Italia.  Roberto

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You're not alone Roberto. A lot of us do not care for the new dashboard. And it is confusing to know what 10GB will cover, when like you stated, we don't know how much space we are using.

All I can tell you: I believe this first implementation is the base for future improvements. In the future, I expect we will be able to see how much space we are using.

I can tell you this, it takes a lot of content to fill up 10GB - - except for uploading a lot of photos and videos. These 2 can eat into your space real quick.

Now we can limit how many photos are uploaded per day, by members. I wish this were how many all total. But, it's a start. Go to My Network (Manage)/Content/Control.
Photo Content Limits Restrict users from uploading more than # per day

Best Regards,
Hello Jen, than there is someone that reply !!!
My first problem is : in actual situation of network rossellodamiano.ning.com
who can tell me how much money wants Ning by me.
I hoped that on July 20 Ning Management write to me to explain the costs to continue networking.
Have I to think that Gb size of network is irrilevant ?
It is possible that this management is enable to speak clearly ?
Thanks Jen and ciao da Italy. Roberto.
Hi Roberto,
From what I understand, the best thing to do:
Go to My Network
If you see a big button or receive the pop-up reminder that says: "Select a Plan", click on this button.

If not, to select your plan go to: My Network/Subscription.

I cannot walk through the steps, since I already selected my plan. Bottom line: You need to choose from the 3 plans: Mini, Plus or Pro. The monthly subscriptions are here:

On the extra bandwidth and storage, if you go over your allotted amount (this is rare), Ning will contact you.

Hope that helps,
On the extra bandwidth and storage, if you go over your allotted amount (this is rare), Ning will contact you.

Here is the confusion.
I know costs of the 3 plans.
Ok Jen , i believe to understand what you want to say.
Thanks and ciao da Italy. Roberto.



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