Facebook will make it harder to advertise and I just had the idea to built up an alternative. Our Community offers everything You need to promote Your business and learn new people:

  • Blogs
  • Groups
  • Links
  • Photo
  • Video
  • Forum
  • Events
  • Chat (with Videochat and Desktopsharing)

and much more. Have a look and check it out - we will be pleased if You register (You can easy register via facebook:-)) and happy if You come back very often


Okay, we are still not as big as facebook - but who knows - we are working on it.

Another project we started some weeks ago is our Safelist at www.unlimitedpowermarketing.com and its growing fast. More than 700 members in just 6 weeks is not such bad, our target is to get > 10.000 in 2011. With 15 levels deep commission plan, multiple income streams and a TOP Paying CASH "Referral Program" we are sure to reach that goal. Have a look at it and if you like it just register - its FREE to join.

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