Standing up individually and proclaiming ourselves as, above all designations, a human residing on planet earth and banding together under the flag of our planet and species is merely the next step in the ongoing struggle for personal freedom.

Imagine, if the globe were united by a network of individuals working together as equals, with an equal say in the way things happen in and on our only home, Earth. What could be accomplished? Our world today has so many problems; famine, war, hate, abuse of power and greed. What if we could change our attitude, by banding together and working hard, for everyone's benefit, to eliminate threats to our survival and build a happy civilization, ready to move into the future, what if?

part of the full mission statement of

full text in our Ning Directory blog @

I start this discussion to encourage dialouge about how we can unite as people and as organizations to make some real change, is a member-owned network built as an empowerment tool for all, and of course, all are welcome!

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