Many hours banging head against wall, and I *think* I understand the interplay between apps, tabs, and the Main Page. Would love anyone's edits/clarifications on this.


I believe the following the be the case:


1. When you add a "feature" using the Feature Layout, it automatically creates an instance of that feature (i.e. "groups" or "Blogs"), as well a tab that links to a master page for that app, i.e. "profiles/blog/list" for the blog feature.


2. Deleting both the tab and the box on the Main Page for the app does not actually delete the app- the link still works. The page reference disappears in the Tab & Pages menu, but the page still exists on the server.


3. The Main Page box that features the app can be deleted, but doing so automatically deletes any tab you've set up. However, because the link/app is still alive, you can remake the tab and link to the full URL of the app (i.e.


Now, questions:


Am I correct that an app exists on your network regardless of whether or not it exists as either a tab OR an enabled feature? (Or is that a cache/server delay issue, and it'll disappear eventually?)


If so, what's keep someone who knows Ning links from making use of a feature you didn't really want enabled?


Finally- why does Ning make it so damn hard to have a feature enabled, a tab linking to it, but NOT presenting a box on the Main Page, further cluttering the only landing page I can have for this network (without upgrading) seen by non-members?

Any confirmations/insights would be most helpful to this newbie.





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In regards to your comments:

#1 - you are correct, 100%.

#2 - yes, but I would call it a built-in Ning Module, not an app, or a page. Ning Apps and Ning pages are other features. To remove a built-in Ning Module completely, go back to My Network/Settings/Features Layout. Drag/drop the module from the right side of screen to the far left column.  It is labeled: "Drag Here to Remove Feature"

#3 - I got lost on that - - kinda sorta, if I understand you correctly.


Your questions:

#1 Am I correct that an app exists on your network regardless of whether or not it exists as either a tab OR an enabled feature? (Or is that a cache/server delay issue, and it'll disappear eventually?)

Yes, you are correct, if you have not removed via Features Layout. The modules and apps are still accessible via the original URLs. However, if you remove via Features Layout, they are removed from your Network. I believe if you reinstall them, the content may still be there.  And if that is true, technically I guess they're just hidden. This isn't something I've ever tested much (removing main modules after they've been installed a while), and don't remember for sure...

Warning on Ning Apps (not modules): I have found the Ning Apps install/uninstall to be very flaky.


#2 - If so, what's keep someone who knows Ning links from making use of a feature you didn't really want enabled?

Removing them via Features Layout accomplishes this. Otherwise, yes people and Search Engine Spiders can find the links.


Finally- why does Ning make it so damn hard to have a feature enabled, a tab linking to it, but NOT presenting a box on the Main Page, further cluttering the only landing page I can have for this network (without upgrading) seen by non-members?

You can easily remove them from view from home page by clicking on the Edit button at top right of any module. Then click on Drop Down for "Show", and select 0.


You would probably benefit a lot to spend some time in Ning's help guides. They're not perfect, but pretty good as a foundation for learning and acclimation to the platform.


whew, LOL

Hope that helps clear some things up,





Ok, "Built in Ning module" as opposed to "Third Party add-on app" makes sense, nomenclature-wise.


However, I'm finding that when you drag a "built-in module" to the "drag here to remove" box, the module remains active via its link regardless of its removal. At some point on my network I enabled the forum, but have since dragged it off. Yet the link /forum remains active, and can be linked to via a new tab and the full URL.


Another example: on my network, I've created a tab "Member News" that links to the "/profiles/blog/list", even tho the blog built-in module has been dragged off the features layout tool. But you won't see the module displayed on the Main Page.


As for your suggestion:

"You can easily remove them from view from home page by clicking on the Edit button at top right of any module. Then click on Drop Down for "Show", and select 0." 


Setting the display count to zero does not remove the module from the Main Page entirely. It remains but with a titled box displayed with no content below it.


So- to achieve the effect I'm after (having a tab linked to a Ning built-in feature, but not displaying on the Main Page) it seems you have to create, delete, then link to a custom page using full URL.


This means that features exist even if you want them deleted- which seems very unsensible to me, if you're Ning. But maybe it is what it is. Someone could start a forum without the creator wanting a forum, simply by knowing the link.


Finally- I would think you could tell from this and other posts that I've spent lots of time in the Ning help articles... which I find circular not helpful in explaining this most crucial piece of Ning knowledge (relationship between tabs, pages, and built-in features.)


I took the time to write all this down to help the next guy, but to also gain insight from Ning experts. Believe me, I started with the help and NC forum- and quickly realized that I need the paid VIP help too!

Copying/pasting your comments/questions below, and will comment...

However, I'm finding that when you drag a "built-in module" to the "drag here to remove" box, the module remains active via its link regardless of its removal. At some point on my network I enabled the forum, but have since dragged it off. Yet the link /forum remains active, and can be linked to via a new tab and the full URL.

I tested on my test network, and experiencing the same. The link is still active. :(  I must be wrong. But, could have sworn my earlier comments were the way it "did" work. You might want to submit a support ticket question on this one. If you find out anything, please let us know.


As for your suggestion:

"You can easily remove them from view from home page by clicking on the Edit button at top right of any module. Then click on Drop Down for "Show", and select 0." 

Setting the display count to zero does not remove the module from the Main Page entirely. It remains but with a titled box displayed with no content below it.

Only you and Admin can see the titled box. That's the way it's supposed to work. It can be confusing.


So- to achieve the effect I'm after (having a tab linked to a Ning built-in feature, but not displaying on the Main Page) it seems you have to create, delete, then link to a custom page using full URL.

Close. I might say more like: Add via Features Layout, Delete the Tab and use the same link.


Finally- I would think you could tell from this and other posts that I've spent lots of time in the Ning help articles...
Just giving you what I thought was a valuable knowledgebase. I use it all the time.


Tom - - I guess the most critical thing here is to find out why we can still access the URLs after removing from the Features Layout. I agree with you, and didn't think this was the case. It shouldn't be. I will try to ask Ning too, on my next support ticket.


Best Regards,




No worries, and thanks for the tip on the "set to zero." I swear I tested that yesterday and it still displayed, but with three browsers going and some incognito windows too, I mighta gotten myself confused :)


I did finally find a help topic that stated that tip on Ning- don't know how I missed it. I think I was searching for the wrong words. Anybody interested see: 



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