Hello Jen, all,

[I had a Ning 2.0 for over five years, gave up, went to JamRoom (loved JamRoom in many ways, but huge learning curve), then had major health and personal issues and was forced to abruptly close down our 2.0 site (heartbreaking).

Now, 8 months later, Ning sent an offer I couldn't refuse, to try again to build similar (but MUCH less intense, and much smaller (upwards of 1500 members before, mini 3.0 max. of 150 members now).

We had a sandbox 3.0 with ooooooodles of hours invested... but 2 years later no improvements... you know this drill.  

All this to say that I am quite familiar with many of both 2.0 and 3.0 'tricks and tips', but it's been several months and I'm 'rusty' and this time around starting with a 3.0 site.]

Anyway, I'm just getting things set up (sevenh.ning.com) and my question is probably easiest and best explained by copying this note from one of the few members there helping me test things:


Is there a way to set it so I can control who is able to add tags and who is able to delete tags?

If not, is there a way to set it so ONLY admin has tag control?  And if so, where/how?

Scratching my head and can't find anything on Ning 3.0 support or Creators Ning?



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