I dont know why, but on my homepage my font is much smaller then on all other pages.  If i chose any font and size within the design center with the home page up, it looks fine, but then on all other pages the font is huge.  Any ideas???

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Always leave a link, please. =)

I'm not seeing this on your site. Did you accidentally zoom-in from your browser? I've done that more than once.



http://greenhobby.net/ vs. http://greenhobby.net/page/logo-store-is-currently-under

note the text at the top of both pages...should be the same size, but it isnt


The .xg_theme .xg_module_body {font-size:14px;}

and page content are 2 totally different things (classes). AND, the page content you've showed is for the page description, set using this:

div.description {

If you add content and add within the <p> tag, it will look more like your home page font.

Hope that helps,




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