Property Management & Accommodation Service Providers, Hotels,Apartments,Villas,Vacation Homes

The Single Source For Your Hotel Property Management & Reservations Needs!

WEB.PMSpro (WPP) the single source for your Hotel Property Management-Reservation & Distribution needs. WPP Solution is one of the first web-based hotel software provider to
offer a fully integreated hosted, multi-lingual property management & reservations solution that adresses the challenges single & multi-property hotel and/or accommodation providers, owners
and operators are facing today.

We have created a sample : ''>Property/Accommodation Page on''> http://kenyasaf...

The Property/Accommodation Servcice Provider " Profile Page, that shows you how you Listing on Kenya-Safari-Holidays can look like, also you will be able to explore the complete booking process on our website.


Here you will see the WPP Property Management Backend Application integrated into a Network Website :


Here you can view sceenshots of a integration of WPP on Platform,..WPP works with nearly all social network platform... .


Network Creators that might has any detailed questions of how to integrate WPP on their Property Managment and Distribuiton Websites based on Social Network Platforms can simply contact us. We will be happy you help you with our expierences...

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