Ning Groups - Big Improvements: Add Pages, change privacy settings and more

Finally! Ning improves Group Features - - some great additions and improvements:

  1. Add Group Pages - Groups Creators and Administrators will be able to add static pages to a group. Added pages will be featured on the group's home page. Pages will make it much easier to add vital information for your specific Group, like: adding links to Discussions within the Group, introductory page, maybe adding lists like an online address book, etc... So many uses come to mind when thinking of the ability to add pages to Groups. Pages within a group will function like any new page in most respects. Group pages will not be listed under all pages, outside of Groups (which is a good thing). [Note from Ning: This feature will only be available to English networks initially, and all networks in the coming weeks, once we've translated the feature into all languages.]
  2. Change Existing Group Privacy - No more starting over just because you accidentally set the privacy of your Group to Public or Private, and need to change it. In the past this couldn't be changed. Now, privacy settings of an existing group can be edited. For example, you may have a Group you originally created with the idea that privacy was important. You realize after 100 members have joined the Group, you should have made it Public. Now you can.


Although I haven't tested the following new features, except the Alphabetical sorting, according toNing's update on Creators, these features have been added/improved as well.

  1. Alphabetical Sorting - Adding "Alphabetical" as a way to sort groups on the list of groups on a Ning Network
  2. Group Deletion Limited! - Limiting group deletion privileges only to group moderators, network admins and Network Creators. Note: You better think about who are assigned as Admins and Moderators. I'm not sure how much this helps, since a Group Creator is typically the one to delete and run.
  3. Group Notifications - New members of groups will no longer, by default, get notified when other people join their group
  4. Better warning message for members viewing invite-only groups
  5. Better warning message for members who've been suspended from a group

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Yeah . the pages is surely a major improvement .
I'm waiting it in Spanish! =)



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