News bull is a citizen journalists and news gathering community where one can even visit your local news paper. Its a modern concept that presently in its Beta Format but fully operational, we have some bugs and those are limited and solved very quickly when reported.

One can go look and see its not closed to visitors, it has a daily crossword puzzle and the comic strips and political cartoons just like most daily news papers. We need columnists and editors from all around the globe. Articles can be wrote by members and there is a constant flowing news forum. 

The site is being improved quiet quickly by the team of programmers and it will go dot com within the next 4 months or so. Any help to make the site more attractive would be appreciated and if you wish to join this new community you will be very welcome.

If your a developer looking at wackwall ( and thinking of developing a site or two there I am very willing to help and give tips on how to get around any limitation etc.


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