Hi Fellow NC's...

I need help with a few network issues that I know are on Jen's site. Perhaps I'm not using the right search terms to find what I need. If anyone has the links to the tips for my questions, I would be so thankful if you posted them here.

1. On the Design Studio's two-column layout, is there a way to remove or hide the right column from every page except for the main page?

I would for every page to be full-page (or one column) on every page, except for our home page, which I would like for it to be two...like here on Jensocial.

2. Does anyone know of an easy-to-use slider or slideshow that shows images with text on the same slide? I am willing to pay a small fee for this, as I want to use it for our advertisers. However, I'm having difficulty finding exactly what I want by searching the net. Each rotating slide will need to show that advertisers logo, or banner with some added text and links (and I would like for the text to be crisp-looking, not hazy).

I need to be able to create the slider then have a code generated for me to copy and paste it where I want it on my site.

For the first question, if there is a way to do this without a code, please let me know. I'm not very familiar with the new Ning yet.

Thanks! :-)

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In regards to #1, to my knowledge that is not a tip on JenSocial. I shy away from column widths and column removals, too many elements affected, and can of worms.

For #2, there is a Coda Slider Tip in VIP Club that allows Text on the slides. It's a content slider, instead of just an image slider.


However, it takes time and patience to add any slider to a Ning site. I find myself wondering if it would be better to add some type of automated banner code for Advertisers, instead of slider code? You might want to post this question on Creators.ning.com. I would focus on rotating ads, instead of rotating slides.





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