Need help to update and make my ning site look better


I've two requests.

1. I've made a ning site and I'd like help to tweak and fix it up as I've only used the graphic tools that Ning provides. I can see what graphically needs to change, but you might identify more. 

2. The members also want to be notified when any new content is added. Not sure if there is something that can do this with Ning already (seems you have to follow it first) or if it is something that can be added.

Not sure how this works... but I'd like your suggestions and a estimated quote.


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Hi Renata,

Thanks for contacting us. If you don't mind, fill out the Contact Form here, provide your site link and details. I'll take a look and write back. I will receive in my Inbox for our Design Firm: NingCustomDesign





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