So I just took advantage of the new features that NING has made available concerning exporting member data aaaaaaand.....

I'm quite surprised to find that about 98% of my 1100+ members still receive both emails and broadcast messages. Surprising because for the most part of this year, member engagement has been waaaay down. I wonder if the data is accurate??

For anyone who has exported this new data on their network, how do you find it? What will you do to maximize the information?

I definitely think I am going to start sending a "digest" all over again.

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Hi md,

Same here, about 98%. I was surprised, and wondered too how accurate the data is. I'm not sure what you're asking on the " do you find it?" It's a CSV (comma separated values) formatted file, and sounds like you read it already? I open my exported data file with Microsoft Excel.



You can't "find" the actual data in one place. The CSV file is created by Ning, pulling all of the data together.

Does that make sense?

I know in my case if I send a broadcast message out, there will be several 100 members on the site within seconds. So I know I do have a high number of members who receive email blasts. But, I'm with Fire Tech too, so many go straight to spam they have no reason to unsubscribe.

Best Regards,


They might be receiving them straight to their junk folder....or previewing the content just in the email without logging into the site unless the topic interests them (I do this all the time). It's a good tool to see the members set up, but there aren't any read or deletion receipts so you would need to use a Constant Contact account to get more details.
Unlikely. It's not something we can control, because it's the filter settings on different email providers and the user. If they are active members they shouldn't go to junk folders. They should have added the network to the "Safe" list. I wouldn't get too discouraged, they may just be proofing them. Maybe send an announcement to the entire network to post if their email is coming through..see who's awake. Not sure what else we can do.
WELL  dang it i thought i was doing something right..about 98% for me also..hmm..but only a handful of people come back.and from google tools..its not all adding up,lol..



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