Letter From The Co-Founder of Empower Network - Get Ready To Signup on Friday, October, 18, 2013

I got this weird, yet crazy letter from one of my business partners and I wanted to share it with you.  It's good info and something you should absolutely see.

Here it is…

"Where We've Been And... The Future."

From the cluttered dinner table at Dave Sharpe's house  October 10, 2013 - roughly 24 hours before launch (Somewhere in Florida).

This is a true story (with a very weird twist) about two "dudes" who... before they made millions online, should have been dead ... banished from society ... and long forgotten.

Nothing about the lives of these two men was "glamorous".

...one of them almost died from a crippling drug addiction...

...one of them lived in a van and showered on public beaches...

...and they were broke, broken, and hopeless.

Then their lives took a very weird twist.

...And instead of going on living meaningless and mediocre lives like 99% of people do...

They discovered something no one could have predicted, and it changed everything for them - and it will change everything for you, too.

And today, these two ex-homeless "outcasts" are making every teacher, police officer and ex-girlfriend who ever wrote them off...

Eat Their *Freaking* Heart Out.

The story starts back in the summer of 2011 where these 2 "dudes" met over a lunch table in Costa Rica overlooking the ocean and decided to lock arms and join forces to start a company with one purpose and one purpose only...

To Empower people to get results in their business.

What's happened over the last 2 years has been nothing short of just that.

·         Over 160,000 customers.

·         Over $70,000,000 in sales.

·         Tens-of-thousands of businesses transformed.

·         Tens-of-thousands of lives changed, forever.

We've created one of the largest blogging communities and publishing platforms on the Internet.

And for the first time ever - 'Average Joes' started creating content, sharing their message and promoting their business online...

...without all the hassles and overwhelm of setting up a bunch of useless technical "crap" that has nothing to do with their bottom line.

And tons of these regular people (just like you) started getting results - most for the first time ever.

However, that's all about to change. Because in less than 24 hours (at 3pm EST Friday) something much BIGGER and much BETTER is launching.

Something so powerful and game-changing the marketing industry will never be the same again.

Ask yourself...

·         "What if you could set up a new blog or website faster than a FB profile?"

·         "What if you could manage all your blogs from one place and update or add new content on any one of them from one simple interface?"

·         "What if you could set-up a blog or website, and add a new custom domain name in 5 minutes or less?"

·         "What if you had a blog or website that already had million dollar sales psychology built right into it?"

·         "What if all the 'viral architecture' you needed to make your content go viral came stock with your blog right out of the box?"

·         Or....

·         "What if you, regardless of technical knowledge, could instantly publish content to your blog right from your mobile phone?"

Imagine shooting a video on your smart phone, pushing a button and pushing it straight onto your website.....without ever having to fool with embed codes?

Imagine snapping a picture and publishing it to your own domain name without ever having to turn on your computer, uploading it via FTP, etc.

Imagine being able to TALK into your phone's microphone and see your dictated article on your personal website in moments...all without having to fight with Wordpress or know anything about

H1, H2 and H3 tags...

It's coming.

Because there's about to be an easier, simpler and more powerful way for you to get YOUR message out on the Internet.

From a little idea that has already impacted hundreds-of-thousands of people all over the world already...

And it's about to get MUCH BETTER.

Go here now and get on the early bird list. We open the doors and reveal "the movie" (yes, I said movie) on Friday at 3pm EST.

Get On The Early Bird List Here:


Stay glued to your inbox..

- Dave Sharpe and Dave Wood

Oh, yes. My BeastMode is "ON"

Go do it now!



Necole Brown

SKYPE: Elocen11

Important Legal Information Regarding This Email

======================================================================================= Obviously, the income examples shown are extraordinary.  The income claims presented are not intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead, they're designed to give you an idea of what's possible. Success in this business - as with anything, requires leadership, hard work and dedication.  Since we want to help you make an informed decision, we've gone above and beyond with our income disclosure document. You can see our full income disclosure document below:


Also, if you end up buying anything from these emails someone will most likely earn a commission, which you probably know because you understand business. However, we
like our subscribers to be fully informed when using our products. We appreciate your business and support.

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The Blog Beast is only 1 day away from launching to the public, and boy oh boy...

Video #4 will go live tomorrow, October 18, 2013 at 3pm EST, and the cart will open up for customers to buy the new Blog Beast (ENV2) blogging platform.

So, make sure that you’re plugged in when the opportunity opens up for you to become a member of the Blog Beast. With tens-of-thousands of people sitting on the edge of their seats - to become a member - and to see what happens at the end of the movie...

...make sure you stay glued to your inbox for the email when the door is open for you to join! Looking forward to helping you achieve your goals, step into your purpose, and deign the life and business you are meant to have.

Make sure you’re plugged in at: http://www.blogbeast.com/?id=necolebrown

Talk soon!

Necole Brown
SKYPE: Elocen11

Hi! How are you? I haven't run into you for a long time. It's great to see your face. All members of my past Ning sites get an automatic update at no expense to you for six months. It's still in development. I would love to have you on the site. http://susandaniels.ning.com


Susan Daniels



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