I have YET another question LOL. I have noticed a few networks (geeks.pirillo.com being one) have the "Last active/last online" feature on members profiles. Is there a code for this? I think this would be a great feature to have. And a few of my members have asked me to add this. 


Any suggestions?




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Ask TJ , maybe he can help you .

Yeah I know TJ has a code for it, but he has an ad embeded in his code and is wanting to charge for the ad to be removed. Not that that's a bad thing, but I am already paying for the Network itself, so yeah ;-)

What Chris has on his Geek's site is from the former Scripts4Ning (S4N). That code is no longer available to new sites. The code is on the back end, and the subscribers cannot access those files or code. I was one of the first subscribers as well, so you'll see S4N scripts running here, too.




Hi Jen. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I wish I had known about Ning back then! :(


Thanks again, 




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