Land Surveyors United | Portable PLS Social Support Network

What is Land Surveyors United?

Land Surveyors United is the first social network in the world exclusively geared for land surveying professionals and theGPS,mapping and geomatics community. This group creates a virtual space for surveyors to post their technology related questions, experiences, tips, tricks and advise for the field. Our members are land surveyors, of course, most of which spend the majority of their day in the woods or along the side of the road measuring and creating the landscapes of our cities and towns.

PLS Community

As an online community comprised entirely of like minded individuals, LSU provides a place to find equipment, collaborate and troubleshoot problems in the field and find reference materials relatedto  surveying. All content is subscription friendly and can be read via RSS feed reader. Small surveying firms can promote their business and jobs can be sought and found. This is truly the first community of its kind, ever!

Why Should Surveyors Network?

Land surveyors have little time to spend in front of a computer searching for the answers, equipment, instructions and specifications that they need in order to work and stay ahead of competition. They also know a lot of tricks that can be used in the field that might help others. LSU creates a space exclusively for these professionals to share advise, video, reference material and photos with other surveyors. There is not another place on the web where surveyors will feel more at home.

Who Should Join LSU?

You should join LSU if you are a professional land surveyor or have been at one time and you are still passionate about the changes going on in the industry. If you are a party chief and would like your crew to stay abreast of tips, tricks and important announcements that all land surveyors should be aware of. You will never be charged a dime to be a member of LSU. It is a resource for you to take advantage of within the boundaries of  professionalism.

Land Surveying Companies

If you are a land surveying company owner, LSU can be the best thing you could do for your employees. In the near future, there will be a way for all members belonging to a single company to be displayed together as a group. The more members within the same group,the better your SEO (search engine optimization) will be. LSU is an organism through which all things "land surveying related" passes through like a channel. I encourage you to join and pass the link on to your friends in the industry. In a word, think of "Facebook" for land surveyors.

How can LSU Help a Surveyor?

There are many ways in which a professional land surveyors could benefit from being a member of Land Surveyors United. One of the most immediate ways is by providing a free space to host a company website, for those who do not have one. And for those who do, it is a terrific place to link back to your site in order to drive traffic there. Not only that, but by merely being a member of a social network exclusively for professional land surveyors, you have already said to the world "Hey, Look at my company and see how reputable we are! Hire us!"

Unlike Any Other Surveying Site

LSU is a place for your voice to be heard and unlike other surveying forums, your voice has a face and a name, with attached media such as video and photos that showcase exactly what you do best-and where you do it. We have members from all over the world, working in all geographical regions. Those projects by others provide insight into many things about the industry that you may not already well with yours. Land Surveyors United is the Ultimate Backsite

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