
I am looking for a way to label our administrators/moderators on their profile page.  My photo has "Creator" watermarked on it.  I have no way to watermark anyone else's photo. There is no way as far as I know to do this, or is there?  We don't or won't use Ning's badges as they hide the majority of our members photos, they are HUGE!  I would consider using it IF we could limit it's use on their profile page. Thanks for your time. 

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Ning offers an extension by Aviary. It has some silly things like adding a mustache, etc...But it also has a text tool. To my knowledge, when it's installed, the Creator can edit any member photo. You have to go slow with it, can be tricky. And once you save the image, you can't change it. Make sure to right click and save image to hard drive first.

You'll find Aviary under My Network/Tools/Ning Extensions

I suggest this in lieu of adding a lot of Custom Code to your CCBox, and bogging it down. But, I can't say if Aviary will cause your profile pages to load significantly slower. It will make a difference.



Sorry to hear it. I tried it on my Pet site before leaving the reply. It worked for me. But, I've seen the same thing. Some extensions don't work for me either. Since that's the case for you, the best way are the badges, using the text feature instead of a badge. I don't agree that we should be able to edit Profile Pages, not personal content like the images. If Facebook edited my page, I wouldn't be too thrilled. See my point? But, just my thoughts. =)

Best of luck,



How many Admins do you have on the average?





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