It's Official! Creators Ning2.0 To Ning3.0 Migration Complete

Interesting news on Ning Creators, it is official. Welcome to Ning 3.0 if you're a member of the Ning creators platform.

I know they didn't announce it yet, but that's okay. Lots has changed, though some of the overall look and feel is similar to what you're used to. I figured I'd let you know it happened and hope all is well.

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Thanks, Don. =)

I should edit the point about the announcement, it wasn't an official Ning statement but Crystal pointed it out in the improvements to creators community. Unfortunately, I have limited access to creators and found out by installing another browser after trying unsuccessfully to sign in, the look and feel is different, in my opinion, over crowded and kind of messy but since I don't get along recently all that well with some people over there, I'll try not to say too much but stick to the facts of what I know works best. Thanks for approving my discussion, I don't know or remember if the topic here was awaiting admin approval but appreciate your support none the less. Hope all is well. Don.



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