ning 3.0 looks to be a loooong way off from finishing and i finaly after asking every single time i called got word on whats being developed

a 3.0 archiver

not the features we need to migrate into 3.0...  the feature needed to migrate out of 3.0

and although they said it will be out "soon" i finaly got a definition odf soon..not weeks but months

so needing a  mobile ready site today not next year (my mobile trafic monthly is over 65% and often daily hits 85%) (and mobile sites  bounce rates insanely high..2.0 is killing my mobile trafic)

i went and looked into an alternative to ning

i never thought i would being 1 of the biggest supporters if 3.0 but i was forced to

so i found a  free self hosted totaly owned by you option (there are premium modules  that are addons but u can also develop your own quickly and easily)

the developers  have developed features we requested in hours not months or years

they only started working on a ning import  and ninglike community  2 weeks ago about and  at the rate things are progressing it will be ready in a month! maybe less

so heres where my invite comes in

i got myself a high power dedicated server for my site to migrate onto..

i am offering 5 test sites  2 will be for less skilled users to test the import  process, as well as  skin design  etc making a ninglike site

the other 3 installations are for more tech savy coders like jen  to try your hand at module development like a chat  etc

i had zero experience with this type site and this type code and in  just 5 days i began developing the basics for a design studio like profile editor (and the possibbility of a full stylesheet replacer for power users)

out of the box its far more powerful and flexible then ning 3  with a few minor exceptions

theres no chat yet

and  its not as  point and click easy .. but what you lose in ease u gain athousand times more in power and flexibility

 everything u ever asked "can ning do this' and were told "no not at this time and theres no plans to add that, but we will pass on your request'

well its all supported..

because the cores so powerful and  the  implimentations modular so you can clone and build your own modules to do anything at all really is in your hands to  make the site do whatever you want it to do

so i want 5 teams to play withit

unlimitede numbers of people

just no live sites and  please the import  sites keep them somewhat smaller

email me at iriesoaringeagle (at) gmail (dot) com

now list of out of the box features (some are premium addons if u prove to be a  good developer u can sell your modules and skins in the marketplace)

  • music and vids converted to multiple formats for every device out there
  • music vids any digital files can be sold from your profile
  • every profile can have a built in ecommerce shop that sells real goods  or digital downloads including 'bundles'
  • if u decide to have shops u can as a creator take a percentage off the top, have it as a subscription service or both
  • u have absolute complete control over users permissions and  what they have access to and  can offer upgrades  to memberships
  • profiles can be customized  and  can have a custom landing page (like your fop or galery or forum
  • profiles can have thier own forums
  • unlimited music and video uploads
  • batch youtube imports by search  select import ease
  • integrates with multiple (40+) social networks pulling all thier activity into a lifeline
  • u create any activity  list u want any way you want  (ie the often requested freinds only activity)
  • music shared on fb is embedded in a player that plays right on your timelines (requires ssl)
  • supports groups group forums comments pages etc (with nrw stuff being developed nearly every day if not every few days)
  • can do anything u can think of if you spend just a lil time  in teachhing it new tricks like a 'where members are" geolocation  map interface that  can guide you right to your freinds in a crowd (if yiu want to enable them to find you)
  • supports virtualy any type site creation even a steam like gaming site that  interacts with games  (if your a game developer) and stores scores and other data securely
  • will soon suport cloud caching and media conversion
  • can have a profile faq  tour  and help ticketting system with issue tracker
  • has no tos unless you want 1 but can suport multiple tos's based on membership types
  • suports changing membershi0po types based on ...any factor .. time  (after 30 days become unrestricted and need no a0pproval)
  • oh how did i forget this  if enabled supports multiple profiles per user ie 1 as a shop 1 set up as a blog or forum on a topic and 1 as a account to post as
  • and the flipside suports multiple users being assigned to a single profile  as in the case of a band, or company all the members or  execs can control 1 profile as an entity
  • suports all sorts of custom limits, or ..unlimmited everything
  • dashboard monitors everything  from site stats to sales and even server  stats like ram cpu disk usage ..u name it..all customizable
  • suports pages created with "lists and searches ' designed by you  (im creating a shop page that lists featured shops in a slider  a randomized list of shops shops by category  a new items added  a "most recently purchased' most popular most recently views  etc ..multiole avenues of exposure for every product
  • supports cloning of skins and modules  and easy template compares  and edits
  • this is the coolest thing  hasa "form desigjner' so any form can create  all sorts of  data that then can be used to directly change site behavior code  etc
  • supports profile questions assigning you to a  certain member group
  • i know this is a long long list but i have not even begun to list it all

theres so much more then listed above that you can do

and like i said while its taking ning months  with teams of engineers and  millions in backing to  create  stuff like a design studio i was able to get  the basics down in a few hours

the creators of it are just 4 guys..4 very helpful guys that u can talk to every day directly..unlike ning

its open source ..and u own it free  so u can alter it any way yiu choose

all i can say is   try it

kos  on creators  took charge of  1 instalation testing imports and  site creation anyones welcome to work with her or  ill add a 2nd  for that purpose

jen  i want 1 and 3 others to each take charge of 1 of the module development  sites

it dont need to be time consumingthere are no set demands like we need you to deveolop this or that

its just there for you to try and see what you can do

get used to it and decide if its a viable alternative to nintg

instead of waiting another year for 3.0 to be complete you can take charge and  create something better in weeks

every day im grinning cause i found something new ican do

in fact   last night was 1st real sleep in a week  and wasnt stress but pure inspiration that kept me awake

emqail me if your interested in trying ill give ya details iriesoaringeagle (at) gmail

jen i really hope you consider  testing it out

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