How Will Ning's Move, To Phase Out Free Networks, Effect You?

I think it would be interesting to hear, how will Ning's decision to "phase out free networks", effect you?

Please be respectful of our readers, and each other. But, do feel free to tell your story.

Maybe some of the stories will bring Network Creators together, and some partnerships can be formed.

Or maybe someone has a way to help a fellow Creator, even if just a small gesture.


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Thanks Lubi! I've actually been trying to figure out how to do this for a while - - Social Network Directory for all platforms. So the timing worked out well. Lot of work yet to do, but I'm getting there.
Thank you for your kind and supportive words, truly appreciated.
I will be closing five networks. One I will set up elsewhere, the others I will be dropping. I moved them from Meetup, a decidedly worse host, but to get nailed with bigger bills for a site that was free is too much. I'm not going to do all the work of setting up on another "FREE" site only to have some greedhead pull another bait-and-switch.
i'm very disappointed,
so i created my social network on facebook
& in 6 days i have already more than 600 members!

thanks ning!!!!!!!



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