Homeopathy World Community

Creating Waves of Awareness

Homeopathic Medicine is a safe, gentle, rapid, evidence-based form of healing that is over 200 years old. 


This website accepts advocates and promoters of homeopathy. The focus of Directory Listings and blogs are on this energetic form of healing. 


We discuss many other forms of healing. Our concern about the medical system today, over-dosing on drugs, becoming a drug dependent society that carries risks and side-effects are paramount. We are concerned about Health Freedom, including vaccination exemption and the ability to purchase and use herbs and supplements. 


The community exchanges information, helping to solve mysterious or difficult cases, learning about remedies, and shares our lives as in other social networks. 


There are presently three radio shows weekly.

1. Study of Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine

2. How Homeopathy Helps Grow Great Gardens with expert agro-homeopath

3. Vaccinations and Your Rights in the U.S. with expert attorney at law. 


We participate in the international World Homeopathy Awareness Week program. 


Please check Guidelines before applying. This is a 'by-invitation' community. 

Homeopathy World Community is composed of a majority of professional medical homeopaths from every corner of the world. It is a place people meet, share and learn about each other, our passion of homeopathy energetic healing and other medical and health concerns. 



We are a vibrant community of over 2000 people who want to advocate and promote the use of homeopathy for all conditions, acute and chronic. We would like to make "Homeopathy A Household Word" and provide information to parents, teens, adults, athletes, artists, organic farmers, environmentalists and plant lovers and just about anyone who is concerned about health without drugs. 
Homeopathy is holistic medicine concerned about the physical, emotional and mental well being of the person. It is individualized care and uniquely selected energetic remedies by expertly trained practitioners. Homeopathy helps children, adults, the elderly at all stages of life; and there are even homeopathic veterinarians. 


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