Is it possible to hide a ning app tab with css so you can link to it via html link?

something like..?

eg. contact page

#xg_tab_ {display:none;}


Views: 208

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Refresh my memory. If you delete the tab, it deletes the app, correct? If that's the case, you will need to know the tab's CSS class name to remove it. If you can provide:

  • Your site link
  • The tab title of tab you want to remove

I'll take a look and try to provide code to "hide" the tab. It will be unique to your site.

Best Regards,


Ahhh, now I know why you used the odd CSS selector above. =) It doesn't work. It should, but I suppose since it's a non-compliant name, it trips it up. You'll need some script to remove it.



Wow, good deal. I tried to write the script in a short time, and got tripped up. ;-)

Thanks for the update,




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