I'd like to completely remove the default ning signin/up box which ive done.

I'd like to replace that with a text box containing an image with an "image map" that will contain links to both the signup and sign in pages.

My question : Is there any way I can have this module visible to guests, then once they have signed in have it hidden?

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This should work for new Design Studio. Add your content, and add all code to Custom Code Box via: My Network/Tools/Custom Code.

For Old Ning Editor, replace div#column2.xg_column.xg_span-7 with .xj_classic_sidebar


<!-- Content Top of SideBar Signed Out -->
<div id="tmp_topsidebar" style="display:none;">
Your Content goes here.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
if (ning.CurrentProfile == null ) {
x$("div#column2.xg_column.xg_span-7").prepend('<div id="topsidebar"></div>');
var t_topsidebarCode = document.getElementById('tmp_topsidebar');
var topsidebarCode = document.getElementById('topsidebar');
topsidebarCode.innerHTML = t_topsidebarCode.innerHTML;
<!-- End Content Top of SideBar -->


I can't test it right now. Let us know.



Thanks Jen!

It worked, and it didn't. The image does come up when not signed in however, it pushes the entire right column (using 2 column layout, large on left) underneath the left column. Could this be an image size issue? The image is 308px wide, so i wouldn't think that would be the case? :/

Heres the modified version of your code that I'm using:

<!-- Content Top of SideBar Signed Out -->
<div id="tmp_topsidebar" style="display:none;">
<div style="text-align:center; width:308px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
<img id="Image-Maps_2201211271520524" src="http://i47.tinypic.com/348spr6.png" usemap="#Image-Maps_2201211271520524" border="0" width="308" height="200" alt="" />
<map id="_Image-Maps_2201211271520524" name="Image-Maps_2201211271520524">
<area shape="rect" coords="23,67,156,121" href="http://torontomapleleafs.ning.com/main/authorization/signIn?target=http%3A%2F%2Ftorontomapleleafs.ning.com%2F" alt="" title="" />
<area shape="rect" coords="25,124,158,178" href="http://torontomapleleafs.ning.com/main/authorization/signUp?" alt="" title="" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
if (ning.CurrentProfile == null ) {
x$("div#column2.xg_column.xg_span-7").before('<div id="topsidebar"></div>');
var t_topsidebarCode = document.getElementById('tmp_topsidebar');
var topsidebarCode = document.getElementById('topsidebar');
topsidebarCode.innerHTML = t_topsidebarCode.innerHTML;
<!-- End Content Top of SideBar -->

Yes, it's likely the image size. Link for live code?

I tried your code on a test site, with signed in versus signed out. I see what you mean. It's not just the image. The code is good, I'm pretty sure it's the content, and not sure what. I'll try to play around with it more later tonight.

Ok Jen, appreciate it :) Ill keep workin away at it see if I can figure it out

Suggestion: Before you try with image map, try just an image and text above or below it. This will tell us if the insertion code is good. Ning is pretty picky about image maps.

Ok, tried with just image, same result :/

Same width on image? I'll look closer this evening.

ahhh, try prepend, instead of before.

tried still no luck, also set image to only 200px to be safe but same result

oddly, it worked perfectly when i set zoom to 90% in chrome

It works perfectly for me with prepend, on test site. Probably a width issue. If I could see live code, could likely adjust it.



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