I am a mother whose 17 yr old son was tragically murdered Feb 1st, 2008 after having a fight with a neighborhood boy..This happened at 4:30pm in the place my son should have been safe, his condo complex..My son, Jamel, had started his 1st. job & was getting his Golden Gloves career in gear..These senseless tragedies have to come to a end!!


It takes a Village to raise our children and The Children are our Future...We have to teach our children that there is a better way to rectify their problems!! We also want to help the families that have been struck by these senseless tragedies and prevent any other families from feeling the way I feel.. These increasing outbursts of youth violence are in All CommunitiesFamilies of All Walks of Life are being pulled into these devastating acts of street violence..


We Offer Inspiration,Prayers & A Sense Of  Family!! We also have tips on relationship issues & cooking tips..


A Family that Prayers Together , Stays Together!!

So Please come Join our Family, Get to know one another and lets find a Solution..


Be Inspired!!


LOVE, RESPECT & FORGIVENESS!! Words to live by...


Be Blessed & Safe!!


Tiffiany Ashley

Founder & CEO

"Help Moms Stop The Murders"

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